Young Living Essential Oils are of medicinal quality, organic, and distilled at 
low temperatures as they should be. I've had good results with them. They have 
their own farms here in the U.S. and in Europe. Their number is 1 800 763 9963. 
You have to be referred by someone. My referral I.D. no. is 85347 if you need 
it. I am a massage therapist and use the YLEOils for theraputic reasons. This 
company was reccommended to me by different people and I've been pleased with 
the results. I fell and twisted my ankle in a parking lot and by the time I got 
home it was throbbing. I am a dancer and was planning to take a flamenco class 
in the next two days, but now I was afraid I wouldn't even be able to stand on 
it. Not having any ice at home I used three applications of essential oils and 
in about a half hour I literally felt the pain just drain out. By the next 
morning I could do everything and it felt like nothing had ever happened - no 
swelling, no pain -NOTHING!. I took my dance class that night and was fine. 
This was an amazing experience! Hope this is helpful. Susan Epstein
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Scharbach <>
    To: <>
    Date: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 7:36 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Re: Aroma inhalations -
    Frontier herbs sells pure essential oils, certified organic.  I have had 
good results with them.
            Personally, I would have more confidence in purchasing overseas, or 
from an overseas manufacturer, based on the little bit that I have read about 
essential oils. Have you checked with an overseas pharmaceutical company on the 