
That's a lot of sardines. I'd be careful of mercury, PCB's, and God knows what else that's in our oceans. Yes they're a small fish but they still must eat what is available to them.

----- Original Message ----- From: "bodhisattva" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lanolin - D3

Interesting on the fish oil allergy, have you been vaccinated? Were you also in the military? There were adjuvants tested in vaccinations that cause the body to reject natural and healthy oils because they bypass the system of processing and inject them directly into the bloodstream, which your immune system sort of triggers for, and learns they are harmful, when in fact they are not. Interestingly, I heard some of these dangerous adjuvants are making their way back into newer vaccinations. Not good!

This happened to me after military vaccinations, and I slowly, very slowly, retrained my body that they were OK for me. Kind of like how you cure a peanut allergy by introducing extremely small amounts of peanuts each day, then increasing it week by week. I did the same thing basically. Still, I prefer Flax over Fish, but I certainly get enough Fish Oil in the 7 cans of sardines I eat a week. We've been a vaccine free household for many years now, it's a blessing in my opinion.

sol wrote:
Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
What is so bad about lanolin anyway?  dee

don't know, myself, I use lanolin derived D3 because i'm allergic to fish oils and fish oil derived D3 gives me hives.

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