In a message dated 4/22/2010 11:25:47 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I  would guarantee that most people have more than they believe. 

Hulda Clarks liver cleanse will not work for me if I do not take Black  Wa
lnut tincture first to drive out the parasites. I failed to do her liver  
cleanse at least three times before taking Black Walnut. She wrote the 
parasites  close off channels in your liver which prevents the liver cleanse to 
its job.  I never noticed any parasites other than when I first used her 
zapper. Looked  like black slugs coming out of my nose.
Just completed one month of Serrapeptase and nattozimes and blood  pressure 
is down 12 points. If I use the 100 plus my age (78) it is still  OK.