
How did you know I'm a health professional? You're right... I have an OMD. L.Ac after my name but never signed it as such on here (I don't think).

----- Original Message ----- From: "bodhisattva" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A closer look at americium 241 from a smoke detector

Fantastic, not unexpected, thanks for the link.

Since we both work/worked in the health profession, getting bloodwork confirmation of the Zapper is quite easy. A few years ago my wife picked up a nastly, very dangerous E_Coli infection from some crappy food in a restaurant. Verified it with bloodwork, I wanted her to try the zapper before taking Cipro. She did, and wow, it dropped the symptoms very quickly, and it was cured in a few days.

Did you know, most UTI issues are E-Coli? The FASTEST way I have found to cure any UTI issue is with combination Zapper and TCM, we're talking "Minutes" to completely symptom free, and hours for total cure. E-Coli encysts itself in urine crystals, and hides, so it's stubborn. Hit it with Long Dan Xie Gan Wan, and the zapper in combo.

Long Dan is great to have around as it is intensely anti-fungal, I keep many bottles on hand. Given the new "Super Fungus" scare, I'd probably recommend keeping it on hand for most people to be honest.

Bob Banever wrote:

     You might be interested in reading this.

     Great stuff!

----- Original Message ----- From: "bodhisattva" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: CS>A closer look at americium 241 from a smoke detector

You mean metal, crystal, and resin formed into a chunk that with all logical reasoning, shouldn't do a damn thing? BUT DOES?!?! Yes indeed I know of this, I've been making, selling/giving away very highly energetic orgonite for many years now. The stuff is quite amazing, and the stories I could tell about it are pretty wild. I like the stuff, it's sort of an energetic "Cleanser" to have around your area, and it's easy to see affirmations of it working to this effect. I've sold quite a lot to people having some nasty paranormal stuff happening, and it fixed it. It's a theme repeated over and over, to many hundreds of customers.

It's a good match, I can see/feel energy of all kinds, always have since birth. I think we all can, it just depends on how much of our metaphysical aspects have been dumbed down from this or that.. It comes in handy because I can use this to examine where best to apply fixes. Instrument wise in testing, orgone sort of acts as a capacitor to disharmonious energy, grounds it down, transmutes it. It also tends to slant the ionization in an area to slightly negative(good), and reduce the positive(bad), and do the same for the atmosphere around. It's quite easy to confirm this if you have the money to invest in the instruments. Pollution visually clears up with it around, this is good easy to see affirmation. Most people don't realize that a whole lot of issues can be subtle, unseen, whatever you want to call it. This includes sleep, health, and mental issues at the very least, and once the emotional/astral is cleaned up a bit, they tend to move elsewhere. The best customers I have are the biggest skeptics you'd ever meet, that's what makes all of this so fun. Its not a total solution, but it is a step in the right direction, I tend to use it combined with other solutions, but itself, it works pretty darn good if the stuff was made well by someone of higher order spiritual awareness.

Nice to hear of a fellow gifter. :-)

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Oh yes, the subtle energies of the universe are very important, and can certainly affect one's health and good being. Most people can sense DOR to some extent, but probably dismiss it. I don't, and neither does my wife although we call it either negative energy or dark energy or low vibrations. We have avoided getting killed more than once by sensing "bad energy" and avoiding something which shortly proved fatal to anyone who was there. Fortunately DOR as Reich called it can now be easily converted to positive energy with a physical device thank to the work of Don Croft, I use them to clean up houses with dark energies and presences with a lot of success. I even keep one under my bed so I don't have to worry about any dark energies approaching me when I sleep. When I investigate a "haunted" place my wife and I can both easily feel whether the presence(s) and energies are of light, dark or mixed. It is really a very very useful sense that can save one's life and/or health.


bodhisattva wrote:
/Actually, you could make an argument that by mining radioactive substances and concentrating them into reactors, bombs, or other "products", you are making the world a bit safer, since it is easier to avoid exposure to reactors, bombs, etc, than to the same substances all spread out in the ground./

No you can't, there would be no logical, physical, or spiritual basis to substantiate such a ludicrous claim. Can I inquire as to who you work for? For the kindergarten types, you are comparing "Natural Dispersion" with "Un-Natural Concentration". Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. :-P

Seriously, most people don't understand the ramifications of all of this. I consider myself "Sensitive" to energies, that is, I can feel them. It's nothing unique to me, I simply have tuned into my higher self and the world around me a little bit more than others.. It's handy, for example I can walk into a home and tell if the main is properly grounded. Or I can find shorts in light switches by walking past them. It also comes in handy to help people, for example I walked into a relatives home and said "You have something on fire in here.". Everyone looked at me like I was retarded, so I followed my nose, and came upon a cheap Walmart lamp in the living room. My father in-law was sitting 10 inches from him, I asked him to move a minute, and pointed out the lamp had a short. After we removed the shade, you could see the burn marks. It's not magic, it's just about not being chemically, electronically, and spiritually dumbed down, which is exactly what they want you to be - dumb and insensitive. A guy sitting 10 inches from an electrical fire can't even smell it? That's not good for survival, you know?

Now, the reason for making this point.. My wife and I were driving on the highway during some travels. At one point I said "Wow, really horrid energy around here. The energy of death, a lot of really nasty stuff concentrated.".. We looked around a bit, and found a Nuclear Reactor not far from that location. Coincidence? Hardly. These things concentrate energy on a subtle level, some of it mainstream science won't publically acknowledge, and this energy is not beneficial to human existence. Wilhelm Reich would call the nasty shit coming off this reactor "DOR".

I later researched this reactor, and found that ever since it went online, the disease rates went through the roof of the people living in county around it. "Science" tells us nothing is coming off it, they can't find anything in their tests. But here we are.... This kind of garbage belongs in the groun
Cancer questions grow around Fermi nuclear plant
State health report shows 31 percent increase in cancer rate among young people in Monroe County since 1996

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