Rudolph Steiner warned in 1916, that in the distant future, "Ahriman" would incarnate through technology for total subversion of the human mind, body and spirit imprisoning us with our own toys. He also said a method to make explosions so huge, they could destroy the planet would be "Channeled" from the Asuric Realms. Remember, this was decades before the atomic bomb. Guess he was just good at making guesses.

Years ago I read from some experts, that the PC was one of the grandest trojan horses people were convinced to take into their homes. I'm sure we are well beyond that by now. Anyway, they don't want you activating a phone that can't be tracked of course. Some phones have the ability to turn off GPS, but the disclaimer with them is they'll still turn it on when they want to. The first time a phone is activated, the GPS coordinates of the location of that activation are logged to the account. Fractal Tri-Panel antennas combined with GPS is very effective at millimeter tracking.

I'm fuzzy on the deep specifics.. But Wired Magazine did a test last year or so to see how good the electronic prison is around us now, not even speaking about the govt. methods, simple regular folk. One of their editors tried to "Disappear", and the challenge was for everyday internet nerds, techies, and others to try and track and find him. (with a nice cash prize) It's a very interesting read! Suffice it to say, the close calls were amazing, he was dodging people left and right. Someone even popped off the internet his ticket information from United Airlines. Eventually he figured out he had to throw away "All" tech, and did a fairly good job of evading capture. Under an assumed name he rented an apartment - cash only - in New Orleans or something, and thought he shaked everyone off. The DAY he hooked his PC up to the internet the was located, and within hours he left his home to buy some groceries and someone was waiting outside his porch. This guy was blown away at the results.

If you buy a Diabetes Test Kit, it's free if you send back the little card inside. But of course, that's telling them a bit too much about your health. Warranty cards, customer surveys, rating systems, opinion polls, and everything else are just feeders to build the files. People are very opinionated, to a detriment, thinking "I WANT to state what I like!" so they knowingly provide an abundance of information that probably shouldn't be provided. So when you rate a movie on Netflix, you are inadvertently telling the world exactly who you are, and what you like or do not like. When you post an Amazon wish list, might as well give everyone your political, religious, and physical information straight away. When you use Ebay, your feedback, and the feedback of everyone you deal with can be aggregated to form a very concise picture of you. When you use a library card and check books out, it's all networked now, and of course you tell them exactly what you are up to. When you use a shoppers discount card, you are giving away your diet. It's a pretty extensive list, and to think "Well its pointless, I do nothing wrong!" is to ignore the fact that once the bar is lowered on this stuff for everyone else, it can't be brought back up easily again, you just got chipped away.

I take great precautions, try to be unpredictable, and don't many anything easy for anyone. But even then I know these are probably just basic precautions, and probably only sort of toss a wrench into things more than stop them entirely. It's not paranoia, it's my background, and understanding how a lot of this stuff happens, including a background in investigations. Back in the old days we'd "Trash Pull" someone find out 100-200 intimate things about them, today they just do it electronically, it's become incredibly easy, and we are making it easier by complying. A few decades ago nobody would have allowed this, today nobody seems to care, all they want is their toys and they are happy. They sit down in front of American Idol, and forget about everything else.. All too perfect if you ask me.

There is a book called "How to be invisible", it's about recovering some privacy in a world gone mad. The author has some amazing tips in it most people don't think about, well worth picking up. It's a bit dated, but probably more relevant today than when it was written. I won't even post all the precautions, and methods I take, it would be like handing over the keys to my home. Now some advice I feel is important.. Before you go too far, stop, then start cleaning up your mess you left behind. People make it all too easy these days, and they just don't have a clue what's really happening to them. Stop, before it goes too far. Time to wake up.
The surprising failure of anonymization
Boom! But it was only an early mile marker in Sweeney's career; in 2000, she showed that 87 percent of all Americans could be uniquely identified using only three bits of information <>: ZIP code, birthdate, and sex.
Amazon Wish Lists Are Dreadfully Insecure

Ode Coyote wrote:

  You got the tense correct...was....and getting less so every day.
I lost my cell phone couple of years ago and thought I'd just re-activate the old one.
No GPS tracker on it.
Yet another piece of my property *stolen* from use by new laws.

One "good" thing about all this...if you DO want to vanish....just put "yourself" on a bus to Detroit and hoof it to the hills.
They'll be chasing the technology and not your stinkin feet.

Even when you pay cash, everybody wants your phone number...for warrantees and returns, of course and convenient for that at that...but.
 Any info stored can be accessed by anyone in the secret loop.
Nobody makes you validate the number...yet.
..and no one makes you show an ID when you do to the doc...yet.
You can still make things up.
Like my shoppers name, Payto Cash. I get a funny look because it's pronounced so much like Screw You, but they write it down. You can tell it rattles the cage a bit, like...why did that guy say screw off and what do I do now? Should I call security? Why do I suddenly feel like I have bars all around me? Gee, that guy walked off with my fantasy door! Inner scream....SECURITY!!!! for that Alien implant...not all that deep.

So what aren't "they" telling you?
Might want to look around a bit closer.

UK right?
..cameras on every corner?
 Face recognition software humming along.
Registered TVs ?
BBC approved content?

The  Santa knows if you've been naughty or nice.

At least Americans can still get enough firepower to get themselves killed.
..and you don't have to go to a "store" to do it...and if you do.
Buy and trade 3 or 4 times...used to have one of those, haven't seen it in a long time though.
 Musta walked off with the other 800 million. [Sorry 'bout those records]
