I agree, organic isn't a guarantee of purity, but it's a step up! Still, use discernment, even with organic.

The *ONLY* Red Meat I eat anymore is from here: http://www.dakotabeefcompany.com/

Even so I eat that very sparingly, as meat tends to lower your protective shields. I am generally Vegan when possible, but do consume some dairy products and eggs. 100% organic, free range on those, ever otherwise. What I have found is this.. If you consume much less food, you can afford to be extremely picky with what you eat, and in the process, eat much better. In the process you are guaranteed to lose weight, then finally reach a balanced bodyweight and fat index. Where do you order beef? I'd like to find some on volcanic soils to run some tests on it.

My advice in the coming years is this...

1) GO Vegan, or at least, be extremely discerning of the red meat you do consume. (No pork) 2) Learn to cure yourself, TCM, Homeopathics, Colloidals, Zappers, whatever it takes. 3) Learn the power of your mind, study placebo, mind/body programming, hypnosis, and consciousness expansion. 4) Learn the power of your spirit, meditate, pray, connect with the Most High.
5) Consume entirely organic, always, no exceptions.
6) Avoid prescription drugs, vaccinations, fluoride, etc.
7) Drink a lot of charged water, 2 quarts a day or so to start I guess.
8) Bless everything that goes into your body, no exceptions! (I've been to dinner with 5 people, all got food poisoning but me, I blessed mine, they didn't, coincidence?)
9) Himalayan Salt, toss out the crap they sell in the grocery stores.
10) Stock on up stuff, ear candles, nebulizer, whatever.. Become your own expert.

This will get you going, build up your strength, study, knowledge protects. The coming years may get harder before they get easier, but we can all push through fine.

Jason R Eaton wrote:
Hi Bob:
I agree regarding eating organic foods when possible. However, and quite sadly, there are even some organic foods that are very poor quality. For example, the organic free range chicken that I purchase at Trader Joe's has plastic or petro-chemical filled soft tissues or fat. Even much of the midwestern free range grass fed beef is not supremely excellent. I pay twice as much for beef I order, and I order it from smaller ranches in Northern California; any area that has rich volcanic-origin soils. Best Regards, Jason