Brooks has already answered Doug's question, but Thomas Levy's comment
that "liposome encapsulated vitamin C, taken orally, was roughly 10
times more effectively clinically in resolving infectious diseases than
the IVC." remains as a question. Thomas Levy does not state it as a
verified fact but as an observation based on his experiences with both
liposome encapsulated vitamin C and intravenous Vitamin C. I have not
seen any basis for the comment provided but my guess as to why this may
be is that it is stateded that liposome encapsulated Vitamin C is
released for use throughout the body as the liposomal material is
metabolized by the cells requiring repair. This could deliver Vitamin C
directly to infected cells, perhaps more effectively than intravenous
Vitamin C would. 

As an aside, here is info on why you should use sodium ascorbate:

"From Les Nachman, VP of Research and Development at LivOn Labs:

Dear Owen,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding ascorbic acid and our use of sodium
ascorbate in the Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. You're quite right, gastric
juices have no effect on properly liposomed molecules regardless of
chemical composition. The problem with using plain ascorbic acid resides
in the blood, not the stomach. 

Large doses of pure ascorbic acid in the blood can induce acidosis, an
increased hydrogen ion concentration in the blood plasma. This increased
acidity condition can result in a plethora of highly dangerous
conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis , respiratory acidosis,
metabolic acidosis, renal tubular acidosis, anion gap acidosis, cellular
acidosis, and the list goes on. Virtually all of these conditions, if
not treated, can lead to death. 

This is why no medical professional uses straight ascorbic acid when
giving an IV-Vitamin C infusion. When taken orally, ascorbic acid in
small amounts can be tolerated in most cases. Although diabetics and
folks with kidney problems should not take straight ascorbic acid. Which
leads us to our product and the answer to your question.

Many of our customers are accustomed to taking multiple gram doses at
one time, several times a day. On several occasions, I myself have taken
30 grams in one day. Sodium ascorbate is proven safe at 10 times 30
grams and even more in a 24 hour period, and so we use it with
confidence in the Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. 

Best regards,

Les Nachman"

- Steve N

From: Garrick [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique

Hi Polo
Maybe the 10x more effective than intravenous claim and logic comes from
Note the email address at bottom for follow-up straight from horse's

I am a paid consultant to LivOn Labs, becoming so only after I became
impressed with their products. For the better part of two years, I
actually ignored my own medical observations, since they were in
complete conflict with what I felt just had to be true. Also, until the
past nine months or so, I had not bothered to educate myself extensively
on the body of liposome science that has been accumulating for the past
45 years or so. In a nutshell, I found that liposome encapsulated
vitamin C, taken orally, was roughly 10 times more effectively
clinically in resolving infectious diseases than the IVC. Having given
thousands of IVCs and taken hundreds myself, this was difficult to
comprehend, even though the clinical observation was quite
straightforward. I subsequently realized that the liposome gave the
ultimate bioavailability: intracellular delivery, including the
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and even the nucleus. Furthermore,
it was delivered in a non-energy-consuming fashion. IV vitamin C
requires an expenditure of energy to eventually reach the intracellular
compartment, but liposome encapsulated vitamin C does not. If possible,
you do not want to consume energy to get energy-carrying substances
inside the cell. It defeats the basic purpose. But let me clear, if it
is possible, give a patient both IVC and oral liposome encapsulated
vitamin C. However, if only one is available, the best application is
with liposomes orally. 
Furthermore, liposome encapsulated glutathione is even more spectacular.
IV GSH is broken down into its three amino acids within a minute or two
of entering the blood. Subsequently three energy-consuming active uptake
mechanisms are needed to get those precursors inside the cell, and then
two molecules of ATP are used by the enzymes needed to resynthesize the
GSH molecule intracellularly. Lipo GSH consumes no energy to deliver its
contents intracellularly. Lipo C and lipo GSH are a spectacular
combination for all diseases, due to the prooxidant nature of the
associated symptoms, and they are especially impressive for infectious
diseases. As an aside, I am quite sure that a few packets of each would
resolve the swine flu in a day or two at the most.
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

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