It doesn't matter what form B12 comes in, it's still a physical manifestation of blue. The molecule itself, at the core, is blue. B12 also has a integral part in your DNA processes.

Chi/Prana/LifeForce is blue, the aura from souled DNA is blue. The nervous system of a human has a blue appearance. For thousands of years, blue has been associated with higher divinity, the Most High. As such, there is good science around why it works good for this or that. The "Etheric/Astral" is most likely, blue. The aura of the earth is blue.

Dicyanin Dye (blue dye) when sandwiched between 2 pieces of glass allows one to view the etheric. It's one of the most difficult, highest security clearance items to buy apparently, yet its simple Coal-tar-Dye. (used to be available in any drug store) Why is "Seeing the Etheric" listed as a disorder requiring psychiatric intervention with chemical lobotomy pills? Vaccinated children have a high degree of spiritual perception, and according to at least one study I read, report seeing "UFO's" much more than vaccinated children.

Also, people use blue glasses to heal their back/spine/nervous system issues by simply wearing them a few minutes a day. It can also help with depression, and other issues. I believe this is a modality called "Chromatherapy" or something. I've read you can also modify a certain brand of night vision goggles, change the gas in them, and create "Spirit Glasses" (Etheric Vision Goggles). Haven't tried that one yet..

Not guaranteed, just something to consider. There is some science behind this, but as with anything, the most fun is running your own experiments. I painted a room blue, then evaluated the cobweb/bug situation in that room over a period of 2 years vs other rooms not painted blue. I've only had to dust off the cobwebs in there 2 times in 2 years. While the other rooms I do it 1-3 times a week. Pretty amazing.

needling around wrote:
Unfortunately cyanocobalamin is not the best absorbed form of B12.
Blue light works for red, itchy bites because it is a cold color which works to neutralize the heat of the bite. A person with a "bad back" would do well to determine if it was due to excess or deficiency. One wouldn't want to chill an already cold and deficient back. PT

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* bodhisattva <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12, 2010 2:45 PM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>blue light for mosquito bites

    Blue is interesting...  Throughout centuries, Blue has been
    associated with God, a pure color of health. I read a study that
    determined blue painted rooms have less cobwebs, and less insect
    problems. Blue helps people heal their nerves, nervous system, and
    helps remove depression if it is a lighter, moderate blue. Mystics
    have said for thousands of years, blue is spiritually protective.

    Fortunately, I've been able to verify most of these claims. Blue I
    think(it's been awhile) is of course another frequency,
    (648thz?).  The vitamin that helps with the nervous system the
    most is B-12, what is B-12? Cyanocobalamin, look carefully -
    vitamin B-12 is simply the frequency of blue in chemically
    manifested form "Cyan and Cobalt".  You see?  A person with a bad
    back, should wear blue shirts, and paint their room blue, how
    silly does that sound?

    Each door into this home has a very fine "Blue" pinstripping
    around the frame, as does each window. I discovered this creates a
    form of energy barrier, and you can "Dowse" this to check
    yourself.  But really, it's just a frequency, and I am imparting a
    protective frequency around my entry points.  Orgonite gives off a
    blue aura when photographed, and anyone that can see energy, sees
    blue coming off Orgonite.  Reich himself declared Orgone as being

    Here's an aura photograph of an Orgonite Pendant... Pretty, don't
    you think?

    Here's the aura of a large piece of Orgonite, even more pretty.

    My "Small" devices are about like this, here's the aura from one
    of those:

    Greece, which right now is a central front in the final battle, it
    is popular there to line your entry points with "Blue" as a
spiritual protection method. How common is this over there?,375x360,b,m,QSBHcmVlayBob3VzZSBAIE15a29ub3M%3D.jpg
    The Amazing Secret of Blue Tape

    I took photo graphs years ago with special adjustments to the film
    after I lined a piece of blue tape at the base of my inner window
    sill. Take a look:

    Do you see it? The blue energy radiating up from the tape at the
    bottom, even waves coming off it. Also blue "Gobs" floating around
    this area. Very interesting, I stopped testing after my results
    were promising. But I did paint my daughters room Indigo Blue, and
    what do we find?  It's the only room in the house that never,
    ever, needs to have cob webs removed..  Quite a lot of correlating
    results I have about this, and you can try this yourself, don't
    listen to make, make your own experiences, and come to your own
    conclusions, real science is easy science. Now think about the
    methods to keep the skies from being "Blue" and the picture forms...

    needling around wrote: