Another case of loose affect Doctor;  make a note that the Ag material 
apparently depresses the superego....That alone will be sufficient evidence 
to link it with the shootings.  I'll call Dr. Fung immediately....

-----Original Message-----
From:   M. G. Devour []
Sent:   Thursday, September 16, 1999 1:50 PM
Subject:        Re: CS miracle

> This was a marvelous thing. I love reading stuff like this! In fact
> I love this list! I love you all! (Sorry people.....I'm just a *tad*
> slaphappy today :-) !) Pam

We love you TOO Pam! <swack!> <grin>

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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