Hi! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I have a lovely 14 year old girl who has
been walking my Pugs for me recently, and when she knew it was my birthday,
she gave me a Pug picture she had drawn in pastel, it is darling! (She is
very talented. That is something I wish I could do!!) She also gave me a
really cute toy Pug that moves and barks. She made my day very special! I`m
grateful for her friendship, especially since I`m living alone now  and it
gets really lonely around here sometimes. (Thank Goodness for my Puggies!
With them and the other pets, I`m hanging in there... :o)
  I still have achy days, especially when I walk on grass or any other
uneven surface. That`s the brain damage kicking in, I guess. I also have a
burning ache in a foot bone that is very annoying. (The Xray of it was
normal). My hotpad is my best friend now! The heat really helps.
 I think the thing that helps me the most is my thumpy massager. I use it
every evening when I lay down on my bed to read. While lying on my side I
run it down my back, holding it by the cord. It really loosens up the
muscles and I sleep well. I got mine at Walmart for 30 some bucks.
 The other great thing: I have my massage-therapist friend back in town.
She`d been gone for 2 years, but came back to Provo recently. I traded her a
laptop for some rubs, and boy, do they help!! I get an hour rub, clothed,
for 20 bucks, not bad.
I hope some of these suggestions will help you, too!
PS, for anyone interested, I used the Duoflex brand of CMO. It also helped
my former high-school Spanish teacher, who is still my friend forty years
later!! She`s 71 now.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:34 PM, sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com> wrote:

> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
>>  Have you tried CMO for joint pains?
> No, I have not. It did nothing at all, zero, for my husband (he did two
> courses of it), so I never tried it. Good that it worked for you and your
> dog!
>   Another thing, I learned that consuming dairy foods makes my knees ache.
>> Not butter, but milk, yogurt, and cheese all do, it must be the proteins in
>> the damaged milk it is all made of.
>  I am having a big attack/flare of myofascial pain, funny you should
> mention dairy--my husband says I've been eating a lot more dairy than usual
> lately.........I had already decided to cut way back. Most of my joint pains
> are caused by tight muscles and tendons, and myofascial knots, or at least
> that is my theory, since I have very little degenerative arthritis except in
> my finger joints, and those seldom hurt. My hand pains have also been from
> tendon problems, trigger finger, etc.
>  Belated Happy Birthday............and it is nice to hear you are doing so
> well.
> sol