The ph makes a dramatic difference in how the body functions.
There are several viruses in my experience that respond to a change in ph.
Like the herpes virus. And the flu.
A local merchant here sold alkalized water. I think distilled water is similar.
At any rate is off the market because of some glich or another. That's sales.
The alkalized water makers are pretty good.
There are also products like Acid Sooth for acid reflux that dramatically alter 
ionization is  pretty perky. it energizes and kills germs.
first exposure to alkalized water increases energy dramatically too.
as the ph adjust it no longer has a energized effect. in fact in may ground and 
slow you down.

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

From: Marshall Dudley <>
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 12:18:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Question about Alkalized Water

Tara McClintick wrote:
> Are there any knowledgable people on this subject that can answer this 
> question for me?
> Supposedly it is supposed to be extremely de-toxing and balancing to drink 
> alkalized water - at least I keep reading that it is...
> Why? My very filtered water is slightly acidic,I tested it with a ph strip.
> Lemon water, and Apple Cider Vinegar water are VERY acidic, but yet to the 
> body they are supposed to be alkalizing.

Yes they are, they all have alkaline ash, and it is the ash that is important.
> Units that alkalize water also make acidic water which they say is great for 
> the skin and sterilizing fruts & vegis, cleaning stuff, etc. but people 
> should not drink it.
Correct, the skin is naturally acid.
> If anyone can explain these concepts – why some acidic liquids are alkalizing 
> yet water should be alkalized to be alkalizing – I’d love to understand that 
> better…
Because we are talking about ash, not organic compounds. It is the ash that is 
important. The ash is what is left after something is burned. Take lemon juice 
for example, it will alkaline minerals in it. But it contains citric acid and 
ascorbic acid. When they are burned (or metabolized) those are converted to 
water, neutral pH, and carbon dioxide which although acid when in solution is 
quickly exhaled, leaving behind the alkalizing minerals.

> Thanks!!!
> Tara
> Tara McClintick
> <>
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