Does anyone else have trouble reading these posts?  I don't understand the 
short-hand speech pattern.  I don't understand the abbreviations.  I don't 
understand the intentional mis-spellings.  I don't understand the random 
capitalizations.  I don't understand why someone would post in such a fashion.  
Is ordinary English, complete with proper spelling and punctuation, so 

Besides which -- this is OFF-TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Dok Dallas <>
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 4:25:42 PM
Subject: CS> Are (Search) BOTS, (really) Tracking~'EWE'..?

Perhaps, only-time...may ever come-close, to seeing \Q~@/ with Mr. BOD...but OK,
Don't waste $ with da Shrink, you're NOT~PARANOID...THEY really Ewe!
First time was in an ALT.COM Engineering area...more recently/year-ago, on 
(In past 4~5 years...twice had post, with Technical-insight...purged-off NET 

In 1965 left College...joined USN/(Naval-Air), with prior EE schooling/Lab 
was selected for (war-time) program, to get selected/(few) trained in EW/DECM, 
ASAP for "Electronic-Warefare//Deceptive-Electronic-Counter-Measures"/(TS~NSA). Excellent History, Government(s) 
CB & Intel...not my actual NEC/MOS, not close...  S
No, never worked for 'NSA'...but held (high valued), 
Top-Secret/NSA crypto-clearance,
with required 2-week/(pre-clearance) Security get invaluable "SA" 
NO, I'm NOT 'PARANOID' TYPE <G>, just-trained to use Brain/Senses...I'm ALERT,
to things/events around me/(especially) in Background, like 
Years later, as civilian...earned Degree(s), NSA Situational-Awareness (valued 

always SA,

P.S. People (with strange sounding tags) that TRY-to-ERASE (anything) draw S.A.~
Damn if I know what's so-secret in ORGONITE, but surely CIA/FBI, even e...@^@/?

BTW: Anyone ordering, paying-for, now-on (associates) 
Ya-all been had...Orgonite Shipments...can be Tracked, if using USPS, Fed-X, 
Remember few years ago...DC belt-line Sniper(s) in Wash...Gov. using Satellite 
and for years before known to public, even Police...FBI tracked 
Cell-Phone location~
Unless using (new) Net-ID, every few min....public ISP/WiFi port...IT, can Find 
When Bod... went to all that TROUBLE to erase Personal-Data...FBI, was 
notified... P-L-E-A-S-E, TAKE AKDART-LINK to O.T. LIST~
(Anyone remember, my "TAINTP~WBSF" reply to Dee's (?)...few weeks back) <G> 

Personally (LMAO) I'm glad there are so-many agencies using High-Tech Sensors~
to keep track of Paranoid/(dissident) members with HHG, CB & ORGANite (ENVY)!


--- On Thu, 5/27/10, bodhisattva <> wrote:

>From: Bodhisattva <>
>Subject: Re: CS>Google Launches Encrypted Search and also Encrypted Gmail 
>Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010, 6:20 AM
>You worry?
>I don't but I also take prudent precautions, and I am keenly aware of how the 
>encroachment of privacy and freedoms happen.  These people are not to be 
>trusted.  When AOL released their search records, and said "oops", then 
>thousands of people had their private searches presented to the world.  That 
>was the wakeup call.
>Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> I have never in all my life had a problem with anything like this at all, so 
>> I don't bother about it.  Not to say that I never will, but to date, I never 
>> have.  The trouble with worrying about stuff like this is that you miss out 
>> on so much and life is too short.  dee
>> On 25 May 2010, at 21:52, bodhisattva wrote:
>>> The problem is, Google isn't to be trusted. NSA/CIA have people littered 
>>> through the company, and in fact, black-ops funding helped Google along 
>>> apparently.. I would never, ever trust them, and do not use any of their 
>>> services.
>>> Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>>> I love Google, especially Google Earth where you can go down all the lanes 
>>>> and see where people live.  The privacy thing doesn't bother me at 
>>>> all--after all, they only take the picture once.  It is really helpful 
>>>> when you are trying to choose a new place to live, because you can look at 
>>>> all the different areas to see if you will like them--without leaving the 
>>>> front room.  dee
>>>> On 25 May 2010, at 17:54, Rowena wrote:
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