It occurred to me that you may be diluting your medications too much.  Why are 
you diluting the Neem and oregano oils with olive oil?  In my experience it 
makes them less effective.

On the subject of thick toenails, I was concerned that I might have a toenail 
fungus and so on a visit to the podiatrist for another reason asked him about 
this.  He told me I *didn't* have a fungus that the thickening was from impact 
with my shoes as I walked.  Kind of like a callus.

Just some thoughts...

  On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM, <> wrote:

    I tried Neem for toenail fungus by putting some in a 2 ounce bottle, filled 
with olive oil and a few eyedroppers of DMSO. I would put it on my toenails 
twice a day. I used the bottle up and still have toenail fungus. I am now 
trying 10 eyedroppers of oil of oregano then filled with olive oil. Vicks did 
not help, used 2 big jars. MMS foot baths and EIS foot baths did not cure the 
fungus. I even tried one bottle of tee tree and olive oil, no help. My toenails 
are much better but still have several thick toenails.

    One problem with Neem is that it stays thick, not in solution. Tough to get 
it under the toenails.


  Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping 