The thing is: they cause tremendous itching & there fore you scratch  and 
usually rake the bugs off but now you have this horrible bump that  itches 
WORSE than if the "red bug" were still there.  The Epsom salt will  soothe all 
of that.  I don't know exactly the mechanism but it does.   Last year I got 
into poison ivy where the whole top of one foot was a zillion  blisters.  
All I thought about was scratching.  I did a little  research on the net and 
found that the area is acidic so the soak pulls that out  so I used ES & 
hydrogen peroxide which adds oxygen and therefore bringing a  more alkaline 
balance to the area.  By the third day, I was almost  well.  No drugs, no over 
the counter stuff except ES and peroxide.  I  buy ES by the 5 lb buckets 
because of all the things we use it for.
Last year my grandson worked  in boots in the heat last summer and got  
some sort of rot on the bottom of one of his feet.  It looked as if the  toes 
were rotting away from the foot.  I used this same approach and  he was good 
to go in 3 days.  It amazed even his Mom who is an RN and his  step dad who 
is a Nurse Practitioner.  It is all about the acid/alkaline  thing.  Oh, I 
did put coconut oil on the effected after each
treatment to help create an alkaline barrier.  
In a message dated 6/22/2010 8:07:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Really Edith?  What exactly does this do?
MA (who lives in chigger-heaven)

 From: "" _ejohns9...@aol.com_ 

Soak in a tub of  warm/hot water with 3 cups Epsom salt added for at  least 
20 minutes.  This even works for poison ivy but you may have to do  it 2 or 
3 days.