-------Original Message-------
From: Rowena
Date: 12/10/2005 8:22:25 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CANSEMA Salve --- VCNO --- progress with eschar
Yes, please describe it.  What is DH's plaster?  What salve are  you talking
about--Cansema? (if Cansema salve, what is your source?)  Jill
I got the digital camera out to record progress.  Got fresh batteries, as
they seemed to be dead.  Didn't work.  Nothing worked. Camera dead.  Never
mind, got video camera.  Recorded four days or so.  Video camera now not
working.  Hah!
Cansema salve, yes.  From http://www.wholisticanimal.com/  and they get it
http://www.bevanpotter.com/ or http://health.centreforce.com/ who also sell
it.  Both sell overseas. (From Australia)
Plaster is elastoplast on a roll.  You just cut off as much as you want.
I will describe as best I can.
First time I saw it (DH DIH did it himself) it was well and truly covered
with salve, and a round portion of the crust had pushed up away from the
skin, corresponding to the size of the mole that was there.  I cleaned it
up, got rid of all the excess crusty salve around the wound, and white and
yellow streaks were visible underneath the "lid" or crust.  He had applied
far too much, and appled more the next morning - again, unable to see it, as
it was on his spine.
That night, I had a look at it and saw that the salve-encrusted lid had come
away from the cancer.  It appeared to have taken the top layer of skin and
tumour with it.  It was hanging by a tiny thread of skin, but came away as I
cleaned up.  Cleaned with CS and H2O2.  Flesh around wound somewhat red.
First time I put vaseline on, next day VCNO.  Next day cleaned up with lots
of CS and H202.  Today looked rather dry, and cracked on top, and rather
healed around the edges.  No ooze whatsoever.  I have put VCNO on the
plaster again.  I think I will keep using that now until it comes out, then
use the healing cream they sent.  I have put wedges of cotton wool to try to
raise the plaster off the wound slightly, or at least to try to stop the
emerging cancer getting squashed back in.
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