> > < ...... to let you know that using a lot of fancy words and mixing them up
> >won't snow us.. Its obvious you are very educated,so treat us the same way.
> >
> >  I am here with you all to learn and to share. I work to earn it.
> >Maybe I am merely trying to be as good as you are but not better. There are 
> >many
> >things under the sun to talk about, why use fancy words. It is not education 
> >you
> >are  talking about, you are talking about yourself. .
> Well, I'm glad you guys are fightin' 'cause I'm learning a LOT!
> Smile though................

I'd say one other thing to keep carefully in mind is the potential 
for language barrier issues. I'm not sure that English is Lew's first 
language, though he does very well with it. 

We are a globe-spanning community and it is a great thing for us
monolingual folks that others make the effort to communicate with us. 
Thank you all.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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