
You write:

> ... I know two women who swear by EIS/CS... 
> They drag out an old battery unit, 250-300ml glass of rainwater, 3-5
> minutes brewing {analysed at 40+ppm} drinking it straight down
> immediately after brewing...issue 'terminated'.  They *may* make and
> take a second glass at the end of the day, to be sure, to be sure.

I met a couple, farmers, who took a daily glass of CS made using a 
'pinch of salt' as 'starter' in a home made 3-nines generator, and did 
this for several years. They learned about CS during the run-up to Y2K, 
and followed exactly instructions that were widely disseminated on 
survival-related sites back then.

Those of you who remember that period will recall that we were actively 
trying to get the word out to people that the no-salt, lower 
concentration approach to making CS was as effective and much safer.

Well, we were right. When I met these folks in '06, they were both 
suffering from a cosmetically obvious case of argyria on their faces 
and hands. She had a mask-like discoloration on the lower half of her 
face, his was more uniform.

Given their occupation, one expects they both get a lot of sun. Other 
issues, like local soil selenium content and dietary habits can also 
affect excretion of metals, increasing the risk of argyria.

But the bottom line is, you might want to suggest to them, Neville, 
that they should not use that kind of CS on a daily basis but only when 
needed, just as you described that they do now, and be sure they have 
an adequate amount of selenium and vitamin E in their diet or 
supplement program.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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