Renee, thank you for this.. I just kept saying, this person makes total sense.. 
I really like your seeing both sides, for that is my way... Thank you.


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From: Renee <>
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 7:51:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>MMS email received today

There's a big controversy over the safety of MMS as used by Jim Humble.  There 
is an MMS list and we have a chemist on it, who says that the vomiting and 
diarrhea that comes from taking MMS the way Jim says is actually from chlorine 
poisoning rather than overload of die-off.  He advocates (and uses) a 5% 
strength of sodium chlorite rather than the 28% MMS.  

There are those that have followed Jim's protocol and claim they've gotten 
normal lives back after years of illness, and those that say "he saved my life" 
and so they are vehement against the chemist's gentler, safer protocol.  Though 
he doesn't belong to the list, Jim came on to debate Tom and wound up looking 
bad (as in he could only defend himself by repeating 'I've given this to 
thousands of people and therefor it is safe').
Then there are those like me who go--if I had something really serious I was 
trying to kill I'd use Jim's (new) protocol--which, by the way, he changed from 
his original protocol because he finally had to admit, without actually 
admitting, that he did not understand the chemistry of sodium chlorite, nor 
it does in the body, nor how long it is actually IN the body--of a few drops 
every few hours.  BUT--for anything less serious I would certainly use the much 
safer 5% method the chemist recommends.  As he says--it does the same thing as 
Jim's method, it just takes longer.  

There are situations where you don't mind it taking longer and then there are 
situations where you want it to be gone NOW.  So I feel there is room for both. 
Jim, on the other hand, really hates anyone who tries to say his protocols 
aren't THE end to all illnesses.
I've been using MMS since the web first heard about it, as MMS.  Sodium 
chlorite, of course, has been used for decades before Jim brought it to public 
attention, with his own 'discovered' method.  

So you pretty much have to read both sides and choose for yourself.  Sodium 
chlorite as MMS has always been a product of extremes.  It does one thing for 
this person and the exact opposite for the next person, in every body response 
reported from MMS users.  I've been on 2 MMS lists (one now defunct) for at 
least 3 years now and have 'seen it all'.   MMS is an amazing thing, but it is 
MEDICINE, and should be handled with safety.  Jim doesn't believe that there is 
anything at all unsafe about it.  I know differently, but Jim refuses to 
acknowledge that.  <shrug>
-------Original Message-------
Hi there, I've been seeing this on the MMS list.  Project Greenlife are 
recalling MMS due to FDA 'pressure'/advice.   It is on their website 

They no longer sell MMS according to their site.