On 23 Aug 2010 at 11:22, jaxi wrote about :
Subject : CS>OT - Dental work - infection? - 

> Last Monday I had my last2 old fillings replaced. Top left side of the
> mouth. First molar and last molar. 
> I have had TMJ issues for over 20 years. I wear a splint at night which
> typically helps. 
> I have a congenital fusion of C2/C3 which appears to refer left. 
> I always have some level of pain on the left. My left tonsil is always
> slightly swollen, as are the glands/nodes under the ear and under the rear
> chin. My left sinuses are always slightly congested/draining. I get all
> migraines in the left side. I have trigeminal nerve inolvment on the left
> with jaw pain/migraine activity. I almost always feel like I have a mild
> ear infection on the left. It was this cluster of symptoms that eventually
> lead to us discovering the congential fusion. 
> Okay, back to dental work - Monday afternoonfillings replaced. Starting
> about Wednesday I noticed an increase in pain in left tonsil and the
> glands below the ear (sort of in front of the eustacian tube) and under
> the rear chin. 
> I thought, okay my body is a wee bit cranky about the dental work and
> fighting an infection. I top first molar was also a bit sore and did not
> like it when I bit down on it - that pain has since mostly abated. 
> Late Wed the occipital node on the left also started hurting.So now all
> those glands on the left are bothswollen and painful, as is the left
> tonsil area and left ear area, the throat is a bit sore as well. I am also
> tired and a bit lethargic - but we have a lot of heat and humidity here
> right now so I would expect that regardless. Saturday I had a bought of
> diarrhea - but with the heat, humidity and the fact thatI ate something I
> really shouldn't have -it may or may not be related. 
> I am not running a fever but am wondering if the LDN and EIS are keeping
> the infection in check just enough that I haven't gotten that bad yet. 
> Some things I've read online suggest occipital gland inflamtion is an
> indication of a fungal infection?? In my jaw/teeth? 
> I don't really want to do a round of antibiotics if I can avoid it. 
> I currently consume about 2 ounces of EIS a day - straight EIS (no salt,
> H2O2, or anything else added to it)- silverpuppy homemade. 1 ounce in the
> morning when I get up and another ounce at night before bed, I hold it in
> my mouth for 1-5 minutes before swallowing. I take 4.5 mg LDN at night (tx
> ulcerative colitis and pain with the LDN). I take an assortment of other
> supplements (D3, tumeric, fish oil, DLPA, ALA, B complex, grapefruit seed
> extract and a few others at are escaping my brain right now). 
> I did try a couple rounds of oil pulling Thursday night, Friday and 
> Saturday, but not since Sat morning. It's the 4 hrs after food and at
> least 1 hr after beverage that messes me up. 
> Should I up EIS intake? Oils of ... ??? oregano and cinnamin have both
> been mentioned in the past related to dental/mouth stuff I think ... Oils
> ingested, applied to inside of mouth? Just suck it up and get antibiotics?
> Ideas? 
> Sorry for the long email. I do appreciate ideas. I've been internet 
> searching but it makes my head hurt because there is often so much 
> conflicting info out there. 
> Jaxi 

Hi Jaxi,

Please take this with caution. I'm an mr fixit engineer not a Dr.

Yes you could increase the amount of CS. I might do a cup or two a day as 
a heavy dose ( up to 8 oz say) and back off to 1/2 oz for the 

For teeth I have had very good results from using a drop of clove oil 
which burns but dulls the pain and is very good at anti infection. don't 
know the others. I used to dip a toothpick in the oil and apply it to the 
offending tooth. A more benign way is to place a whole clove 'claw' 
between tooth and gum and just leave that there day and night. Replace as 

My guess is that you could do with some lymph drainage on neck ( please 
do both sides for the balance but concentrate on the affected side ) 
Simplest is self drainage. Use the karate chop edge of your L hand to  
scoop down L side of your neck, from edge of head bone, occiput,  right 
down onto your shoulder/chest. Work the whole of the neck both back and 
front. . In particular work down from your ear onto your collarbone area. 
Be gentle but persistent on places which hurt; which may indicate places 
of blockage. 

If you could find someone to do cranio sacral work . that may be able to 
correct all that you have been talking of. 

I can't comment on your supplements. I think oil pulling takes a while to 
kick in properly. One or two sessions will probably not do much; but am 
happy to be wrong. 


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