There are so many very good alt therapies out there!!  Have you looked into 
the Beck Protocol?    Or electricity in general for healing??  The Yahoo group 
called microelectricitygermkiller has info on nearly every disease condition 
known to man and some very, very inexpensive and very, very effective little 
homemade (read cheap) devices.  The files are a treasure trove for you.  And 
electricity works.  A site named, I think, has some of the 
original Don Croft devices for sale for less than $35.00.  They are great, 
especially for the money.  They are great anyway, regardless of the money.  And 
don't forget the chemical side of things.  Vitamin D3 can cure a lot of things 
by itself, but it will help with  every single thing.  Swamp critters--the bell 
tolls for thee!!  And EFT, strange though it seems, can do things that will 
knock your socks off and leave you sockless and speechless.  Anyway, don't give 
up.  You have just scratched
 the surface.  You can get well.  Or so close that life will be a pleasure and 
not just something to endure.  Best wishes to you.  pj


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