Well said Mike.  There has been recent news of problems with head lice (in
humans) developing immunity to the popular over the counter pharmaceutical
remedies. After battling a case of resistant head lice with her daughter, a
desperate mom finally turned to alternative medicine and   approached the
resistant head lice problem with (vaseline) petroleum jelly.  Guess what...
It totally and completely remedied the resistant head lice problem, though
the petroleum jelly was a bugger to wash out of the little girl's hair.  I
would be greatly saddened to use alternative health have to go underground.
Alternative health remedies are often times so much more safe and effective.
I agree that the over zealous labeling of some colloidal silver products has
been what has riled the FDA's dander.  But it would be foolish to throw the
baby out with the wash and make everyone have to pay for the mistakes of a

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour <mdev...@mail.id.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 7:06 AM
Subject: CS>Results of FDA intervention?

Sam asks:
> Is this archive protected from the general public and the FDA,
> etc., per your earlier caution regarding newsgroups?

Well, it was someone else who said that. Indeed the silver list is a
bit more private than a newsgroup, but anybody can join. Plus, we're
headed right now for greater visibility as I'm soon to summarize a
lot of this stuff on the web site and provide tools there for signing
up, etc. Great timing huh?

In a word, no. The archive is open to the public. I'm not sure
there's any reasonable way to limit it either. I'm open to any
suggestions to deal with the technical issues involved, if it can be
proved we can actually do anything worthwhile.

> The FDA can take anything you say about silver and make it your
> "label" thus disqualifying you from selling anything
> silver-related. This could be a major setback for some on the list.

That aspect of it won't be an issue for me personally, but I
understand your worry. I guess it's time for me to read that entire
congressional record thingie where the FDA published their new rule.

Assuming the best for a bit, this ought to boil down to everybody in
the (US) industry toning down their damn claims, relabeling their
products, changing their ad copy to fit whatever wiggle room the feds
have left them, and going on with business as usual.

"Nature's antibiotic", "all known pathogens", blah, blah, blah...
These are all bullshit and everybody here knows it. There are a few
"pathogens" CS won't touch, it works nothing like an antibiotic, and
is not natural in any sense of the word. But of the possible ways to
weed out the junk, the fedgov moving in like a 600 pound gorilla is
the absolute worst.

The approach we've been trying here is really the only healthy way to
upgrade the industry's performance. If consumers are knowledgeable
going in, then they're ready to either ignore the bullshit, or vote
with their dollars for those vendors who tell the unvarnished truth.

Worst case, the whole alt-health industry gets driven underground, we
lose the freedom to talk about it, and the bozos succeed in muzzling
not just the hypesters, but everyone. So, in the guise of protecting
us from our gullibility, they get to wipe out all competition for the
medical/pharmaceutical establishment.

Taken to the worst police state scenario, CS is declared contraband,
anyone using it, giving it away, or God forbid using it "for the
children", will be guilty of a crime, child abuse, or whatever.
Parents would have kids taken from them. Info on CS making, like bomb
recipes, would become "unprotected speech".

The government's "War on Quackery" would ultimately be as much of a
success as their "War on Drugs", "War on Poverty", etc. They'd create
more quackery by driving all practices into the black market, leaving
consumers without access to information or legal recourse. And they'd
create an even bigger bureaucracy and more regulations to enforce it
and further erosion of our civil liberties. All of which would please
them no end.

And many of your friends, neighbors, and family would applaud the
whole thing, thinking they're being "protected."

I hope no one is offended by my cynicism. I've tried to see it from
all sides. The one thing I know, though, is that even most alt-health
enthusiasts see nothing wrong with government intrusion ... into
everybody *else's* lives.

So now we stand to reap what fools have sown.

(Boy what a downer! Sorry folks!)

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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