Someone I know got a few things from there to try out for lyme also.  He had
no problems.  As long as it is not a drug that you can recreationally abuse,
I think there is less risk of having problems.  They ask for doctor's info. seems to be "optional".

I never heard of albenza.  I took alinia.  In fact I think I have some.  I
took it for intestinal protozoal parasites.  Had some burning sensations in
the gut herx for a few days.  Then nothing.  No overall symptom
improvement.  I did have to work up to the dosage though because of the body
getting used to nausea from it.  I took 3 a day for 3 weeks.

Alinia I understand may be effective against babesia as well as cyst Lyme.
I do not hear of it as being a common treatment for either though.  You may
want to look into other cyst busters.  GSE is the only one that comes to my
head right now, but I feel like I have seen a list of them somewhere.


> jenny goodhealth <> wrote:
>>> Has anyone tried to purchase medications?  I am
>>> considering buying generic alinia & generic albenza to treat lyme from
>>> them.  Any good and/or bad experience?   Please advise.   Thanks.
>>> Jen -