I am starting a whole bunch of new supplements and medicines and am curious
if CS interacts with them.  I think I remember hearing something about
vitamin C reacting with CS?

starting: minerals, amino acids, vitamins, herbs, so on...

Update: I had my fourth IV silver treatment on Thursday.  Just like the
first time, I also got a fever / flu herx reaction.  The first time the
fever peaked by 24 hours at 102.4.  This time it peaked within just five
hours at 103.4!  Both times were the same dose (15 cc's).  This time I did
not actually feel as bad (and I recovered quicker) with the herx as the
first time.  May be a good indication.

I can even feel the herx working on my lungs.  I had tried nebulized CS as
well as nebulized peroxide just for a day and no herx.  Granted, it was a
cheap nebulizer, and only one day.

The 2nd and 3rd time I had an "ordinary" 24 hour herx: more tired,
depressed, foggy.

The thing is, the silver I used on the 1st and 4th time was from the same
batch!  Other patients also had a stronger reaction to this batch also.  In
general other lyme patients have a couple good days after the fever, and
then lyme symptoms start creeping in again.

Okay, this is where I know I'm gonna get warned to stay away.. wherever my
doc gets it, the batches obviously differ in quality.  I thought he told me
it was silver nitrate in 5-10nm particles.  His ND colleague told me it was
protein-bound silver and they were sending samples to some researcher to
assess the particle size under a microscope.  I trust my doc and know he
must have seen enough other docs do this safely for long enough before ever
trying it on his own patients.  But there is much I need to ask him about
this silver.  I could clearly see "wisps" in a bottle that had been sitting
around for example.  Not sure of type of silver, PPM, or particle size.
