I never thought I'd see ANYone else describe the same exact symptoms I
get when I need HCL! It's the weirdest thing, and I don't even remember
how it first dawned on me that HCL was clearing up the 'want to cry'
feeling that came out of nowhere.


I then start taking it regularly with meals and after "so many" days, I
end up with acid symptoms elsewhere (like sciatica, for one) and have to
stop the HCL and use a bit of bicarb for a couple of days.

Before long, the whole merry-go-round starts all over again.


Thank you for putting this here, Melly, it keeps me from going over the
edge with the feeling that my body is the weirdest one ever born!







Another possibility is low in HCL.  As we age, we can be pretty low in
HCL.  The symptoms of this one, makes you think you will die soon from
heart attack, depression with no explanation - just like as if your
whole mind and body is so very sad you want to cry, can't get up in the
morning, jittery, cold, can't breathe, headaches, etc.  I underwent all
this and went to MD and he gave me antacid which made it really far
worse.  I mentioned it casually to my chiro, and he handed me Nutri-west
product called Hydra-D.  In half an hour i was renewed and fully
recovered.  He advised me not to take high doses of  HCL otherwise body
will get "lazy" in producing it.


Hope he fully recovers.

