Dr Jerry Tennant

An Understanding of How the body Works

This is just a quick transcription with lots of holes in it, so please watch the videos on this page!

If you have low voltage things begin to hurt, you hurt all the time. If you have pain, you have low voltage.

It controls the level of oxygen that's available, so if I start bubbling oxygen in the water through a tube the amount that will dissolve is determined by the voltage of the water, Higher - more oxygen, lower, leaves the water..

Our cells are 70% water. When the voltage drops in a cell the oxygen comes out and the cell has to get by with too little oxygen. We have a system inside the cells that generates energy for the cells to do their work.

Insert fat in one side of the Krebs cycle and what comes out the other side is a rechargeable battery called ATP - provides all the Electrons for your enzymes for your cell and discharges into a discharged rechargeable battery called ADP.

38 molecules out the other side - lots of energy.

If oxygen not available, for every unit of fat you only get 2 molecules of ATP

Each of us contain a trillion bugs or so and they are asleep as long as oxygen is available. When they wake up with the drop of oxygen they want to eat. They put out digestive enzymes to get the nutrients out of your cells. Damaging the cells around them, but also go to distant places and damage cells there as well. Strep throat - bacteria having lunch there. Enzymes strep puts out can get in blood stream and scar heart. Damage knees, rheum arthritis. Same goes on through the body, so low voltage in gall bladder, and bugs there put out toxins that commonly damage the brain, so brain not working well could be because of low voltage in gall bladder.

I don't believe there is such a thing as autoimmune disease, just bugs having lunch and these enzymes going somewhere doing damage.. When we can't culture anything we say, oh, the body is attacking itself. Well, the body is not attacking itself, these enzymes that the bugs are putting out are attacking it. And one of the reasons I can say that is I have taken a fair number of people with Lupus with a high blood test called ANA, you go in, raise the voltage kill the bugs and the ANA goes back to normal and the people get well. Simply low voltage, bugs having lunch, enzymes going places and causing grief.

So then if voltage gets low enough, one of the bugs that grow are fungal bugs that you can see in the blood with a darkfield microscope.

And then those fungal forms begin to take over the cell and now you have a tumour, and that occurs at plus thirty mV

Chronic disease always defined by low voltage.

More questions: How do we measure the voltage? Acupuncture system just the fascial planes in the body to every organ and from that capsule a fibre goes down to every group of cells, so what we know as the fascia is the same as acupuncture system so you can tap into that and measure what is going on with the internal organs.

Also a sheath around every nerve, a second wiring system that carries voltage wherever we go. Two wires, so if one is cut or damaged failsafe system, perineural and acupuncture, so if one fails the other is still working.

Pretty smart guy that designed this system we call the human body, right?

We use primarily the acupuncture system.

One of the things that's important that all our muscles both electron generators and storage. Piezo emits electrons, muscles do the same thing. Rechargeable, exercise so great for us, not only moves the lymphatics but creates and stores the voltage.

Main Power cable runs up the back and down the front carrying voltage to power terminals. Switching Terminals on Main Power Cables for each part of the body. If you have illness one of those areas then you can find that terminal has low voltage, you want to put electrons in there and that's the port you can do it.

Why did my voltage get low in the first place. If I don't remember to put the dome light off the car battery is low. We need to see what causes the problem. One thing different about patients is some have normal total body voltage and others don't. If I don't figure out why it dropped in the first place it's going to be a problem again even if we fix it. All circuits may be normal except this one, and I have …

WE heal primarily by making new cells.

New cells require minus fifty minivolts….. smaller no but more horsepower. Healing requires minus fifty. When your voltage below operating, minus fifty, tired, lower sick, further down plus thirty millivolts cancer starts. Everything from tired to cancer, and it is all about the voltage. We need to push the voltage up not just to operating but to healing to make new cells.

When voltage changes chronic pain is a symptom of low voltage.

Put in electrons and it gets well.

At -10, out of juice, I'm stuck with chronic disease. Until I can get back to minus fifty I am stuck with chronic disease. Always defined by low voltage. Well - when you figure w away to put in high voltage, whatever path you use, homeopathic, do so by providing electrons because if you don't get electrons they don't work. How many electrons in that, then you know how good it is. You can even get a gadget from Radio shack and measure the voltage in this green bean and that green bean. We can measure your voltage with this and measure and read, and you know what it is, then switch to healing mode.


Cells don’t have enough voltage to do their job

Cells can't get rid of waste products and become toxic.

Micro-organisms grow and release toxins their digestive enzymes) that travel throughout the body.

At +30 mV fungus takes over DNA of cells to form cancer.

When there is chronic disease, need to ask, why did the voltage in this organ low enough to allow disease to develop?

The acupuncture meridians traditionally are believed to constitute channels connecting the surface of the body to internal organs. We hypothesize that the network of acupuncture points and meridians can be viewed as a representation of the network formed by interstitial connective tissue.

This hypothesis is supported by ultrasound images showing connective tissue cleavage places at acupuncture points in normal human subjects. To test this hypothesis, we mapped acupuncture points in serial gross anatomical sections through the human The tissue with the lowest

Fibrous structural and moving electrons around. Fibrous sheaths the acupuncture system can be treated as a wire to measure.

Your muscles are piezzo electric. Electron generators. Rechargeable batteries.

Power terminals on main power cable provide power to organs.

Skull, neck, chest, belly, pelvis.

Trouble with heart - voltage in heart low, terminal is going to be low voltage.

Put voltage in to make it better. I have woken several people up out of comas. 5 yr old in ICU after drowning. Paediatrician trying to get them to pull the plug. Three meridians going into that terminal bringing voltage to the brain. Only one wire had low voltage, patch in each side, let it run, and in three days she woke up. Once you understand it is so easy to see what is wrong.

Lateral Terminals to right and left side of body.

If every one measures low voltage, no matter what the blood tests show, you're hypothyroid until proven otherwise, and because thyroid hormone controls total body voltage and because fluoride and soy inactivate thyroid function almost everyone in this room is hypothyroid even though you have normal blood tests

Important in getting over chronic disease to fix your thyroid, because it controls total body voltage.

If you have only one circuit out, everything fine except one part e.g. heart, almost always that is a dental infection.

Allergies and part of total body voltage controlled by your stomach acid.

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