Forwarding again, as a couple of posts didn't come through - maybe I
didn't put them in plain text. R. From his page "My Story" (very long!) some extracts:

If the Suntan Man was to resume his activities today, and claim that his recipe killed Skin Cancer, he would be arrested for practicing Quack Medicine. You can no longer buy the Salve to fix sunspots, (early Skin Cancer) or buy Apricot Seeds, because they are a banned substance. If you live in the city, you have little option but to eat the very things that are killing people around the world, unless you grow it yourself.

In all my travels, and all the sun scorched people I met in those early days, I never met one with skin cancer. Today almost every person I see, is affected with some form of cancer.

I have had a pterygium removed, that has left me half blind in one eye. Lesions chopped out of my nose, that prevents me from breathing properly. Lacerations to my eyebrow, chin and ear, that makes me look like I've done too many rounds with Mike Tyson. All of this because I have paid the penalty for my European skin being in the wrong part of the world, or am I in the world at the wrong time in the Evolution of Medicine?

Today, I am a Computer Consultant and Programmer, and every day I am amazed, at the advances made in Computer Technology and Evolution of the Computer Chip and Software. Why is it, that Technology has been Developed by man, to automate our lives with Computers to land on the Moon, send a Space Ship to Mars, make a Device that can extinguish everything on Earth - but there is no cure for a simple Skin Cancer?

The answer is being here in the wrong time, in the Evolution of Medicine is the biggest cause of all the Cancer related suffering that we are seeing today. The development of a Conventional Cancer Research is stagnant, Doctors are telling us to eat the wrong foods, we are being told lies by Health Authorities, and we are denied the right to choose Alternative Treatment that has been proven to work for years. But I found much more about the Cancer and health Industry and why there are thousands of people needlessly suffering and dying.

/*Taken from the introduction to The Healing of Cancer, The Cures-The Cover-ups and the Solution Now! *The cancer establishment now has a 50-year history of vast corruption, incompetence and organized suppression of cancer therapies which actually work. Millions of people have suffered terrible torture and death because those in charge took payoffs, played it safe, had closed minds to the innovative, or simply were afraid to do what was obviously and morally right..

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/I recently purchased Cansema <> Salve on the Internet, that effectively ate the Lesions right off. The same ones that were previously diagnosed as Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I applied Aloe Vera over the next few days, and healthy pink skin grew back. Furthermore, the Salve found cancer on the point of incision of the last Surgery. I was stunned, to think that this simple remedy was available and saved me from an Operation, that was considered by my Plastic Surgeon to be more serious than my previous one, involving a substantial Skin Graft. See _photos_ <>

I have now used Cansema on more than forty Lesions on my face, neck and arms with one hundred percent success. It digs out Carcinoma and Melanomas without harming the surrounding tissue, which means you can put it on a spot that you might be worried about and if its not Cancerous it will do nothing, seems to be the perfect solution. The exercise of actually doing it is quick and easy. Put a dab on the spot, leave it for the night, wash it off in the morning and you have a scab that falls off in a few days with the dead Cancer in tact, all you have in place of the Cancer is a clean hole that heals over with new Skin in a few weeks.

Without the Internet, I would never have known about this, and all the other health giving things that are available in other parts of the world, because our Freedom of Choice has been taken away from us, we are unable to purchase them any other way. Of course, one can eat what one grows and one can sell what one grows, but it is illegal for one to sell what one grows and claim that it kills cancer. These are the reasons most people in our country will never know about life saving Alternative Medical Cures.

Recently my Brother died of Lung Cancer. When he was diagnosed with only a few months to live, I asked him why he didn't want to go to hospital. He told me, that if he went to hospital they would only _use him to experiment,_ and he would rather die at home, than be used for their useless purposes. He had seen first hand, the treatment his friends received while dying in hospitals. If only I had known what I know today, he could be still alive.

/*From:*/ /*Death by Doctoring, Steven Ransom

21st century medicine boasts a number of treatments that can be very dangerous to human health, none more so than for cancer. */

/Consider the following statement from cancer specialist, Professor Charles Mathe, who declared: “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.”

Walter Last, writing in The Ecologist, reported recently: “After analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, Professor at the University of California, concluded “...patients are as well, or better off untreated. Jones’ disturbing assessment has never been refuted.”

Or what about this?

“Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.”- Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901 “Medical Oncology in the 90s”

Or this?

“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors.” - Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer

or even this?
“Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years”- Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707

“Almost every patient treated with IL2 (a current conventional cancer treatment) suffered fever, malaise, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, sharp drops in blood pressure, skin rashes, breathing difficulties, liver abnormalities and irregularities in blood chemistry. Rosenberg himself details a number of horrifying case histories, and one in particular where the administration of IL2 had precipitated amongst other things, vomiting, swollen joints, lung fluid and ‘vascular leak syndrome’ where blood would ooze through the vessel walls and collect under the skin.” Steven Rosenberg, The Transformed Cell, 1992. (IL2 is still used today.)

"In summoning even the wisest of physicians to our aid, it is probable that he is relying upon a scientific 'truth', the error of which will become obvious in just a few years' time." Marcel Proust

May this short report reach the many thousands of people currently undergoing conventional cancer treatment.

May it also reach the thousands of doctors, nurses, carers and administrators trained in conventional cancer care, many of whom are unknowingly inflicting only further ill-health and harm upon the patient.

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/With the weight of all the evidence now available, some supposedly "educated" people amazinglly just close their eyes and will not look at what can in fact save their lives.
“Doctors are too busy to dig into the statistics of cancer treatments, they assume that what they are taught at school or what is demonstrated in the pages of briefing journals is the best treatment. They cannot afford to suspect that these treatments are only the best for the pharmaceutical companies that influence their ‘institutions of higher learning’.” Paul Winter, The Cancell Home Page.
There are literally thousands of people who can attest to the pharmacological, life-saving power of Vitamin B17 and its supporting nutritional regime. And the same can also be said of Vitamin C.

The healthiest people I have seen in my life are Farmers, who eat their own produce and the produce shared by the community in which they live. They have not been contaminated by Modern Medical Advice or Supermarket Advertising. They all eat Red Meat, Dairy Products, Fruit and Vegetables and enjoy long healthy lives.

Today I live in a small farming community, I am surrounded with neighbors that grow Organic Small Crops, Fruit, Free Range Eggs and Cattle.

My next door neighbours, Joe and Myrtle Simpson are about eighty years of age, they still eat and drink all the good things that I was taught in my childhood. Joe still goes mustering cattle with the boys and he can still ride a bucking horse. Myrtle is out at 4:00 AM stoking the wood stove, to prepare that health giving food just like my Mother did fifty years ago, and she can still chop the wood if need be. It's like going back in time, it feels like home again, and I would have been a lot healthier if there had been no in between.

If my Mother was alive today, I would thank her for Nourishing my body with Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Full Cream Dairy Products and Cancer Inhibiting Food, I would apologize to her for believing Modern Medicine and maltreating my body with Skimmed Milk, Margarine, Soy Products, Medically Approved Chemicals and for disbelieving what she taught me.

I felt a need to let Cancer Sufferers know about these Amazing Cures. I decided to use one of the Tools of my Trade, the Internet, the media vehicle that has no controlling body, and if I can save just one person from the agony and expense of my experience, then the effort is worth while.

/Disclaimer. I have no medical qualifications. I am only conveying my own experience, the experiences of others and information that other people have studied and proven to be effective./


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