It only takes one Sheriff in the Badlands to kill all the bandits...he
can find.
But can he do it faster than they grow little baby Bandits?
One silver star, one kill and goes on to the next kill.
Given enough time and Bandits that don't have children, the Lone Ranger
would get em all...if he doesn't get trapped in a canyon someplace.
I think it was a study done at Brigham Young U that showed that as little
as 3 parts per billion was enough to sterilize a test tube full of toilet
bowl water.
Probably those pathogens couldn't replicate very fast in that environment
and no place to get lost in.
3 parts per million did the same job many many times faster.
It's not every day that my body is a test tube of toilet bowl water.
How about yours ?
Kill rate has to be higher than replication rate and whatever that takes is
what's relevant...and most likely never the same.
At 03:12 AM 9/20/2010 -0700, you wrote:
Medical journal studies, it has been reported, have shown that CS is
effective in killing over 650 different pathogens. I guess most all of us
on the list concur with that. We have all read this as promoted by
numerous sites marketing CS.
Now with all scientific controls used in the studies and other
considerations aside... I would ask, at what PPM has this been conducted?
As for myself, I use CS...and have seen positive results in its' use.
However, to cut through the hype (if there is any)...does a blanket
statement of efficacy for CS killing 650 pathogens apply to product in the
5-10 PPM range ie., that which is typically sold or made at home with
users generators? Is there any substantial correlation in its'
effectiveness in this range?
Thanking you for any clarification on this,
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