Try this site:


and this spelling in google:  umckaloaba


On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 19:39 -0700, Harold MacDonald wrote:
> The reason I was so interested in those books was about Dr. Seagraves
> treating and curing of TB.
> MY Aunt S----- was in a sanitarium with TB [approx 3 years] and no
> improvement in sight.Also another aunts' daughter,   [my cousin] was
> in a different Sanitarium with TB.
> Somebody who knew about this Dr. Seagrave and his treating of TB was
> able to smuggle the herb he used,Umkaloba [spelling ?] to
> them,eventually they were discharged as cured.
> This took place back in the 50s
> My Aunt S lived to a ripe old age,with a bit of a wheeze .
> My cousin just passed away a few years ago.
> The Aunts were sisters.
> Harold

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