In a message dated 10/11/2010 6:22:58 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I do think  though that the magnets and grounding add much to the actual 
healing, but do  not give the pain relief of the Clove  oil.

DR Gordon told me that in order for magnets to penetrate under the skin  
they must be pulsed. He had a variance from the Medical Association to 
research  magnets and experiment on patients with them. He designed the 
magnet.  He said using magnets like you do has only a skin effect. He had 3 
stents and  was told to get on the heart transplant list. He put the EM-Pulse 
in his shirt  pocket and thought it helped his heart problem. He rode his 
bike from Washington  state to Ohio to show the world how the pulsed magnet 
worked even with heart  problems. He used to call it the EM-Probe but changed 
the name because too many  people told him where to put it. He passed away 
from heart problems so it gave  him more years but was not a cure.
He used an infrared laser, Pegasus, in his sports medicine clinic. It would 
 heal a scratch without leaving a scar if you used it right away. I  used 
it many times as working on a tree farm seems to cause lots of  scratches as 
I hate to wear gloves. It would even help reduce pain from 20  year old scar 
 tissue. I bought my own laser back in the mid 80's for $150.  I used it 
after removing the staples from my recent knee replacement and the  scar is 
visible but has broken spots without a scar. 3 weeks was too long a  wait to 
hope for no scar.
My cousin recently passed away from kidney failure. She worked in a crab  
plant shaking crab meat and used DMSO every break to relieve the wrist pain. 
She  got me started using DMSO around the mid 80's. My wife agreed with the 
foot DR  that DMSO was bad and she thinks it contributed to my cousins 
death. So I have  both the DR and my wife against me.