I'm sure after reading everywhere with transdermal Mg saying how poorly
absorbed it was, I found that it's actually about 40% orally, which compared
to most things sounds pretty good to me.

I have a friend that's in that trap of taking a tablet for blood pressure,
and another for the side effects, and another for the side effects of that
one etc.. and mention MgCl and what I'd read about blood pressure.  I only
have the hexahydrate version here, but gave him a bottle of capsules (EDTA
fwiw) that he could empty and manually pack with the Mg.  He can test his
own blood pressure and found that the Mg dropped it markedly in under 5
minutes.  Being Hexahydrate version of MgCl, and flakes rather than powder
it was probably only around 50mg of actual Mg.  This I thought was pretty
impressive, but he said within about an hour the blood pressure returned to
its previous level (he's still on medication at this point, so that may skew
the numbers).  Has anyone else done any tests using Mg for their BP, and did
they find similar, or could it be expected to improve or stay normal for
longer after a period of time loading, and did larger doses produce a
stronger effect, or a longer lasting effect?

My friend says (I don't know the numbers) that when he's at that BP level he
would normally feel very odd, faint, and generally not good, but in this
instance he felt just fine which was a surprise.  Can BP really be
simplified to being a mineral deficiency?  He also has BPH, which was the
original reason for discussing Mg, but if it can replace what are pretty
much all his meds for these two conditions that would be amazing.

Re Lipo C, I've been doing some experimentation with different Lecithin
brands and Sodium Ascorbate.  I can definately take a lot more when
encapsulated than raw, but I'm developing a gag reflex with the taste.  I
used only bottled drinking water, and dissolved the Vit C to saturation,
then added the Lecithin, which blended to a fromage frais kind of
consistency, which I scooped into the Ultrasonic unit, which after several
cycles (480seconds being 1 cycle) it removed the air bubbles and turned to
more like maple syrup in look and consistancy.

I got sick last week, with flu like symptoms.  I was aching all over, no
runny nose, but the worst thing is my kidneys were killing me (I should say
at this point that we sell MMS1&2 and normally that would be my choice and
that would be the end of it, same day), but in this case because my kidneys
were complaining so much I figured my immune system was working just fine
and I shouldn't expedite that any further.  By day 3 I'd had enough, and
decided to use 21g of LET Vit C.  It was a struggle to get it down, and it
sat in my stomach all day long.  By evening it was starting to bubble and I
felt that it was going to come out.  When it did come out I had sweats,
shakes, runny nose.... you get the picture, but once it was all out, all
symptoms resolved within a moment, and been fine ever since.  I thought LET
was supposed to get into the cells directly, but in this instance it looked
like it didn't go anywhere and brought the mountain to mohammed.  Does
anyone have a better explanation for that?

A day or so later my GF was compaining about aching, and that her kidneys
were hurting, and wanted me to massage them.  I quickly grabbed a bottle of
Mg oil that I'd made up and went to work, spraying it extremely liberally
over her back and shoulders, way beyond what I thought would absorb.  She
was soon relaxed and drifted off to sleep.  A couple of hours later she said
she felt okay, and the next morning she was bouncing off the walls with
energy, so I think she got the better solution.  There's something good
about those chlorides that nobody has figured out yet.  I have a picture in
my head I want to test once I've rounded up enough guinea pigs to get some
serial blood tests with various components and figure out at least part of
what's going on.

>>I tried encapsulating magnesium chloride, but it didn't work. I am =
>>taking the magnesium chloride for hypertension and leg cramps, and am =
>>wondering if it would be more effective if it was encapsulated and went =
>>directly into the blood and cells where needed instead of through the =
>>digestive system.
>>Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.