Try Drosera 30C (homeopoathic - Washington Homeopathics) for the cough. It cured mine years ago forever. I had my tonsils out @ 5 years never had bronchitis. Take a dose night & morning under the tongue 10 minutes either side of food or drink.

Nebulising DMSO (1 drop) & ( CS 5 mL) may clear any residual problem from the chest


This is my nth bout with bronchitis. Had my tonsils removed as a child,
and since then have been wide open for infections throughout my
body.Anyone who is considering removal of their tonsils please don't.
They really are the first line of defence in the body and block out the
germs before they can do damage. In my time and still now doctors think
that they're superfluous, but I can tell you - they are very much
warranted. Now I go from bout to bout of hacking coughs and a lot of
pain - and am incapacitated for weeks at end.

What works the best for the coughing? Have done all the usual -
including the steam, the drinking, honey lemon, soups, CS - and more.
How do you, for example beef up the immune system?

Any help appreciated,

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