Yep, no worries Marshall.
The reason I ask is cos I read about both these substances, and in my reading I 
always find they both appear somehow to tie in with photography.  I'm just 
curious as to how, and/or what possible interactions there may be if consuming 
any or both of these with the ingestion of EIS/CS?
I believe I've touched on this subject on occasion in the past, but still not 
clear about it.
I know selenium is always recommended with EIS {although I've never involved 
myself with it in all the years of my ingestion of EIS/CS} I'm just having 
difficulty in getting a better understanding of both for determining if there 
could be any possible link with colouration.
I'ts not my intention to incite any debate on the subject, just continueing my 
reading when the subject crops up in conversation in the hope that I can find 
some more definitive explanations of the two, in combination with the stuff we 
use {and possibly any differentiation between ionic and particulate combined 
with the above}. 
It's OK, I just thought I'd put the question out there again.  I'll keep 
reading for more information each time it crops up in conversation, eventually 
I guess I'll get a better understanding.  Praps I'm just not reading 
appropriate material?  I also have a feeling information may be a bit scarce 
when including EIS/CS into the picture.  I just have this gut feeling about it 
that's all.

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 17:41:36 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2011 #46

On 2/11/2011 5:25 PM, Neville Munn wrote: 

I'm still waiting to here an answer on this? 
Is vitamin C ascorbic acid? 

It can be ascorbic acid or an ascorbate, such as sodium ascorbate.

  Is this the stuff used in photography developing?No developer is used for 
developing.  Acetic acid is normally used as a stop, that is basically vinegar. 
 But any acid will work.


  Or is it a different form?
And Selenium?  Are there differences between that which is found naturally and 
ingested with foods and is taken as a supplement, to that which is used in 