Yes, "technically" an ion is a particle as it takes up space and has mass, but it's a technicality often used to confuse more than inform, so you get people asking things like if this process makes smaller ions. In common usage *CS* is a blanket term that allows all sorts of things to fit so long as any part of it fits the definition, even if it's the smallest part. [There IS no smaller part than an ion of silver and if it gets smaller it isn't silver]

Hence the coinage of the term "EIS" [Electrically Isolated Silver] but not yet in common usage.

Imagine that you were shopping for an out building and wound up paying for a sky scraper with dog house sized doors.


At 10:28 AM 2/12/2011 -0800, you wrote:
In his book page iii;
ION; An atom that has lost one of its' electrons.A silver ion expressed as Ag+ indicating that it has lost one electron,and is water soluble,and will stay in solution indefinitely.The ion is still classified as a particle.
End of quote.

My experience ; one of my first batches [many years ago]was put in glass,lidded, and placed up on a shelf in my work-shop and it still has not changed,still in full solution,no plating,no settling out, with Tyndall effect.


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