Just got a message concerning my young cousin, she's in her 30's, 3 kids...
and she has been given the above diagnosis and is getting shots to build up
her blood so they can do further testing hopefully by the end of May.   It
said she will ultimately need surgery that will leave her unable to take
care of her children.  She is not willing to have surgery if it leaves her
unable to care for her family, and she's open to alternative suggestions.
I'm in shock, and haven't researched this yet so I know nothing about it,
but thought I would throw this out there to see if any of y'all have any
suggestions.  I forwarded her the group address and some info on LDN, but my
brain has frozen up on me at the moment.  I'm also sending this separately
to the Crock list, so I apologize in advance if you get this twice.

Thanks in advance for your usual wonderful suggestions!!


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