Killer paper for germ-free food packaging | health
by slp Wed Mar 16 2011 14:56:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Imagine if all the paper, cardboard, foil and plastic that envelops the food
we buy could not only keep it clean and tidy but also free of the bacteria
that leads to spoilage.

That scenario is quite possible in the near future, thanks to an Israeli
student and his master's thesis supervisors.

Graduate student Ronen Gottesman developed a silver nanoparticle-coated
paper with the guidance of Prof. Nina Perkas at *Bar-Ilan University's
Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials
* and *Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life
*. As reported in
*, the journal of the *American Chemical Society <>*, the
"killer paper" is intended for use as a new food packaging material. It
could provide an easy alternative to preservation methods such as radiation,
heat treatment and low temperature storage.

"Metallic silver has been known for generations as an antibacterial agent,"
explains Prof. Aharon Gedanken, director of the Kanbar Laboratory of
Nanomaterials at BINA. Silver already is widely used as a bacteria fighter
in medicinal ointments, kitchen and bathroom surfaces and even
odor-resistant socks. Scientists have been exploring the use of silver
nanoparticles -- each 1/50,000 the width of a human hair -- as long-lasting
germ-fighting coatings for plastics, fabrics and metals.

"The smaller the size of the particles, the more effective they are against
bacteria," Gedanken tells ISRAEL21c. However, developing a
nanoparticle-coated product suitable for commercial use has proven

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