The Inuit People lived on mostly fish, meat being second. Seaweed and
edible vegetation were survival necessities. Cancer rates among the
cultures that are predominately meat eaters is much higher than those
cultures that eat mostly or all vegan. America has the second highest
cancer insidence rate in the world, Russia being #1, England #3. If you
don't have the bacteria nesessary to break down meat in your gut you
will not digest it an can die from the complications resulting from the
putrifaction caused by this. No bacteria, no digestion. Enzymes and
bacteria are a requirement of any and all digestion!

Del Snow

>Dear Marsha,
>>As I understand it, if you are on an all meat/fish/fat diet, the bacteria
>are not necessary.
>>In fact studies have shown that most bacteria good and bad will die off
>lack of nutrition on a ketogenic (meat/fat) diet.
>>I believe they are necessary to digest carbohydrates. Someone correct me
>I'm wrong.

Dear Mary, Kinda like what the old Inuit (Eskimos) lived on, huh? (At least
until White Man brought in sugar...)  And what the Atkins diet espouses,
according to the thing I saw on TV last night.
The LDS (Mormon) Word of Wisdom is the opposite, saying to eat meat
sparingly and only in times of famine.
It also recommends grains, and no hot beverages, alcohol, or tobacco usage.

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