Yes... that what I asking about.  Let me know how it works for you.
Are you talking about cetyl mysteriorate as CMO? Just wanting to confirm – I’ve 
purchased some and haven’t had time to “capsule” them…so learning that the 
yogurt trick would work would be awesome. AND, having the fullness as a side 
effect would be pretty cool too J
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: CS>: CM - My Use & Question
Four approximately 4 day I've been using the CM 3 times a day; but I've been 
putting a heaping teaspon in yogart each time.  Is anyone else adding the CM to 
food instead of placing into capsules?   Just want to make sure that this 
method is good.   Since I've begun taking the CM I also noticed a mark decrease 
in hunger...   which was really quite dramatic.  Even when hungry I would reach 
full very quickly.  Not sure if this a side effect of the CMO.
Also I believe my back pain have subsided...  hard to tell as some times then 
come and go.
Do you think I should just put the CMO in caps.
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