Well, I have tested our microwave oven, an older model admittedly, with our
RF radiation detector, and the leakage was off the scale of what it could
read.  Maybe the newer ones are better than that??
I have not tested very many others, since we got the meter for measuring
radiation from a nearby cell phone tower, and also to measure the output
from an in-house wi-fi and cordless phone.
I can tell you that as a result of taking these measurements, we no longer
use the microwave, got rid of the wi-fi (all cabled now) and got rid of the
cordless phone.  We have also taken precautions against EMF (Stetzer units
throughout the house) and we are considering whether we can shield against
the cell phone tower or if we need to move.


-----Original Message----- From: Brooks Bradley
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:51 PM
Subject: CS>Earlier Post on Domestic Magnetic Fields

             Recently, I received an Off-List email from one of our
more erudite technical researchers.  The criticism
was well-meant....... and well-deserved on my part.  The gentleman's
specific objection was to my inference relating to possible
radiation hazard from leakage of the front seal of the microwave.  His
criticism is quite valid---and deserved.  Not because
of any devious intent on my part....but, certainly, because my
statement appeared WITHOUT any FIRST PERSON
data support.  My comment was THIRD PERSON commentary, obtained from
the writings of Roger Coghill (a Cambridge educated
researcher who specializes in the biological effects of magnetic
fields.  I considered his stated qualifications to be
at the time.  My statement relating to the distance interval in front
of the microwave, was a direct reference from Mr. Coghill's book  on
magnets......(data table page 43) given without ancillary comment or
consideration of control parameters...
            Conversely, the gentleman calling me to task...had
prosecuted actual tests on microwave ovens, which confirmed the safety
(based upon legal requirements)  of normally functioning microwave
ovens. His FIRST PERSON  data revealed only one unit, from
many evaluated---that exhibited detectable seal leakage.
             While quite conversant with most facets of technologies
surrounding the generation, distribution and control of
microwave energies......I have no direct experience with testing
microwave ovens....or evaluations of their  limitations.
             I apologize for my shortcomings in this matter.  It has,
always, been my desire and intent to covey only the truth, as I
perceive it, to all on this list.
I will endeavor to be more vigilant avoiding such imprecise commentary
in any future posts.
                                              Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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