Dear Bob,

I'm the person who used the word attack for your "rebuke" of Lew. I
apologize and agree with you that rebuke is a more appropriate word than
attack. Thank you for educating me and I am mortally embarrassed at having
looked stupid or worse. My brain is usually engaged, when not fogged, when I
open my mouth and I choose my words carefully when writing to this list.

However, my letter to Lew was written to him privately and late at night
with no thought for carefulness in my words, since they were meant only for
him. Unfortunately, he responded by posting on the list his answers to my
private questions and unwittingly made public my careless choice of words. I
have been worried since I re-read the post that you would be offended, and I
am sorry if it is so. I actually think your interchange with each other has
been very interesting and informative and I was very glad it happened.

I'm now checking my walls for red stuff -- I don't see any, so I guess I
have been rebuked -- not attacked -- so now I am going to sit down and try
to figure out what is right or wrong in the first degree of Obligations
under Moral Affections.

Anyhow, glad I provided you with something to laugh about -- and sorry if it
offended you.

I always enjoy a great deal reading your posts and learning from them.

Blessings on you too.

> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:15:20 -0500
> From: Tai-Pan <>
> To:
> Subject: CS>List hunor,or Laugh of the year
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Greetings Wonderful CSers,
>  Being gone a few days and just getting back on the old computer, and
> scanning down the posts saw something that was exceedingly humorous.
>  First I saw that someone thought the Lew/Lee exchange was flawed
> because of a language problem. This caused me to quickly retire to the
> bathroom so as not to become wet with laughter. Had to walk cross
> legged, very difficult. If there is something lacking in Lew`s mastery
> of english, I can`t find it. Better than a lot of our listers. That was
> so funny!!
>  As for the Lew/Lee exchange, could it be called the Lee/Lew, or maybe
> the (L/L). This way there is no indication of who is who, and both are
> equal.
>  And then I saw that someone claims I attack Dr. Lew, come on now, lets
> go get a life and find something useful to do. Thats the dumbist thing
> yet. So I started laughing again, it made my day. Dr. Lew correctly
> stated " let us not waste time on puerile issues". Now *puerile* means
> childish, he hit it right on the nail. If you thought he was
> complimenting you, he wasn`t!
>  Dr. Lew`s original request was very vague and fuzzy. After my *rebuke*
> he gave a very concise and clear reply. Now if you don`t know what a
> rebuke is, its a mild *reprimand*. Now for the furthering of someones
> education, rebuke and reprimand are a class of *disapprobation* words
> delineating right from wrong in the first degree of Obligations under
> Moral Affections.
>  If I attack someone there will be red stuff all over the walls. Some
> (people) need to engage brain before starting mouth, to prevent looking
> stupid or worse.
>  Shades of *Cisco*, don`t get your nose out of shape if you don`t
> understand simple debating etiquette. Also take a course in reading
> comprehension.
>  Let us focus and concentrate on the cause of CS, and helping others.
>   Bless you    Bob Lee
> --
> oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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