Hi Kathy.  I think that you should take the amount that *you* feel comfortable 
with.  You can't be wrong taking too little, but you can certainly be wrong 
taking too much.  I think that if you start off with one capsule a day, and 
no adverse reactions, then you could comfortably double up to two capsules per 
day, and build on from there.

Good luck to you -- and good on you for taking your own initiative for good 
health!  :-)

From: Kathryn Neff <n...@swtexas.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, July 7, 2011 5:10:14 PM
Subject: CS>Serrapeptase Dosage

Have been reading with interest about Serrapeptase and I ordered the 10 mg  to 
start off small.   I am 75, have no health problems and take no medication, but 
felt this would be a good preventative and allow for healthier arteries.    My 
question is I see on the bottle...(Vitamin Research Products).... that it 
recommends taking a capsule three times a day.    I was thinking about taking 
one capsule a day to begin with to see how the body reacted.   Is it possible 
that one capsule per day would be so low that it would not have any effect?    

Any advice from those of you who have been taking Serrapeptase would be greatly 

Kathy Neff