A grop of us ladies recently started food storage.  I understand that beans. 
noodles, pasta, etc does not have to have the oxygen taken out.  We started 
talking to the LDS church ladies to get hints, etc to store food, as their 
church teaches them, they'v e been doing it for y ears.  I just store my beans, 
noodles, sugar, pasta in the buckets in the regular packages they come it.  
Hope this helpa.    Kathy
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lisa 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 3:08 PM
  Subject: CS>OT question: plastic buckets

  An obvious off-topic question.., but here goes.


  I've got several white plastic buckets (that used to hold a variety of 
icings/jellies etc. from a local bakery). I've washed them, rinsed etc. and am 
now storing pastas, beans and the like in them. They seal fairly well, but 
quite frankly I'd feel better if I could actually suck all the air out of them. 
Isn't there a way I can do this without having to purchase dry ice or lots of 
mylar bags/oxygen absorbers? I figured with all the brilliant minds we have on 
this list I'm sure that somebody has been able to do this successfully.would 
you please share?



