Adding on to a thread from a year ago on autohemotherapy...I can't
directly reply to that thread unforunatately, as I can't find it in my

I just read of a doctor's experience with 50 patients of various
diseases using a particular colostrum product, derived from cows that
had been "immunologically activated" prior to giving birth, by a
proprietary process.  Within 8 months, NK cell activity as measured by
something called "lytic units" increased by about a factor of 13 (i.e.
1,200%).  The increase was evenly spread out across all the months.
There are 2 other colostrum products out there I really like also, and
I think it is possible they work just as well, and I may try all three
of them for myself someday.  Transfer factors (a part of colostrum) as
well as ordinary whole colostrum have been shown to increase NK cell
activity, though perhaps not as much as this particular product.

Of course this begs the question what are macrophages, NK cells, etc,
and what does increasing their activity really mean in terms of their
units of measurement.

I have tried major ozone autohemotherapy...with 3 back to back passes
in the same sitting with the maximum recommended ozone (200 cc at 70
gamma syringe injected into the blood per pass)....and no result.
Also tried ultraviolet blood irradiation with no result.

A couple more suggestions I have for possible autohemotherapy
experiments.  It is clear to me that the ozone neither killed a
significant amount of bacteria in my blood or created a significant
immune response...most probably bartonella being the most prominent
bug.  Biofilm is one possibility why.  CS has in dental and waste
water applications demonstrated anti biofilm properties.  This makes
me think of a couple experiments:

1.  Draw some blood in a syringe preloaded with some CS.  Perhaps only
a few drops of blood.  Perhaps let it stay for like a day outside in
the fridge.  Then re-inject.  Time is needed to degrade biofilm and
guarantee bugs are killed and protein fragments are left for the
immune system to recognize.  This may a bad idea for a few reasons.
One is CS in high concentrations contacting blood perhaps may damage
other things than bugs (i.e. the blood cells)?  And putting those
damaged things back in the body will be a toxic burden that needs to
be eliminated?  Two is that I don't know what consequences letting the
blood stay out of the body for a time would have.  Three is that
injecting CS hurts like hell and makes the injection site swell.

2.  Take a finger prick and a few drops of blood, mix it into an ounce
of CS.  Let it sit for a day in the fridge.  Consume orally.  Could
also be a bad idea for the same reasons.

Another therapy from Dr. K for treating lyme is as follows:

"A very effective and yet simple technique to re-regulate TH1 and TH2 back is
auto-urine therapy. The patient's urine concentrates the antigens (disposed cell
walls and cell fragments of offending microbes which the immune system has
successfully eliminated). By passing the client's urine through a micro pore
filter and injecting it intra-muscularly, the lymphocytes on patrol in the
connective tissue are brought in contact with the antigen and quickly mount a
specific and appropriate immune response.

We use 2 ml of filtered urine once weekly for 12 weeks. All other similar
approaches (autohemotherapy, homeopathic autonosodes, manipulating the immune
system with supplements) are far less effective."

Just thinking out loud.  Ya, I am stupid and reckless, but also
desperate to get well, so I would like to entertain some stupid ideas
if y'all don't mind.  Not that I am seriously considering them though.


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