Keep at it Lois , we are all with you!  x dee

On 11 Sep 2011, at 18:12, wrote:

> In a message dated 9/11/2011 12:56:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> How are you doing in your battle?
> MA
> Hi MA & PT.. {  i know PT asked before }   I am doing Budwig--Gerson 
> juice--DMSO- Baking Soda topical ---& apricot seeds..{ all include CS. as a 
> wash & internally}    I feel Great !! Have been working on the car--hiking 
> with the pup { & cats  :-)  }  Basically enjoying life... My head says " 
> Nothing's Wrong "  what's going on inside I'm not sure..Dr.s.  don't want to 
> test unless you are going through their multi--multi million dollar Chemo. & 
> radiation... Navarro test said slightly positive for cancer but Dr. Navarro 
> said it could be just microscopic bits left from the surgery...
>     Thank you  for asking...I am totally determined to beat this bugger !!!  
> Lois

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