Re: CSspectrographs of CS

  >> I am astonished to find anyone can get down to 0.3uS. The  best I
  >> have seen is 0.5uS, and that is from the local Walmart.

  > I use  high powered rare earth magnets in the  double distillation
  > process.

  How does  that  work. There are no ions  in  distillation, therefore
  nothing for the magnets to exert a force against.

  I see  no need for magnets. Simple double or triple  distillation is
  all that is needed to reach those levels.

  But they  are simply not needed in a well-designed cs  process, like
  the SilverCell process.

  >> However, none  of us use this anymore. For LVDC,the thing  we are
  >> worried about  is  CO2,  which  forms  carbonic  acid.  This will
  >> quickly raise your 0.3uS to 1.5uS or so.

  > Having an  actual  closed  production system  takes  care  of this
  > problem, although again not very necessary for a simple generator.

  A closed system will have no effect on the electrolysis reactions at
  the anode  and cathode. They are under water and have  no connection
  with the properties above the surface of the water.

  >> Silver does  not  oxidize.  Search google  for  "silver  does not
  >> oxidize", and you will get over 8,000 hits. Here are some:

  > Here we'll have to agree to disagree for the moment. The  point is
  > rather mute anyway.

  > For example:

  > "The equilibrium  electrode potential of silver is +0.799  V. This
  > value is only 0.01 V more negative than the  equilibrium potential
  > of an oxygen electrode in natural environments. Then by definition
  > silver is  not regarded as a noble metal, because it can  still be
  > thermodynamically oxidised   by   atmospheric   oxygen   at normal
  > temperatures.

  > At standard temperatures and pressures (STP),  the thermodynamical
  > equilibrium of

  > 4 Ag + O2 - 2 AgO

  -from the ESA Journal, 1989

  Is this your equation, 4 Ag + O2 --> 2 AgO ?

  You need  to  get  a   different  reference.  That  equation  is not
  balanced. I  really  need  to  teach you  a  small  amount  of basic
  chemistry. I plan on doing that in my Yahoo forum.

  Also, silver oxide is Ag2O, not AgO

  > I can also show you some journal publications with TEM's of silver
  > oxide configurations which must have occured with  some relatively
  > simple reactions.

  Frank debunked TEM's long ago. How about 2001?
  CS>the last on TEM images

  Frank Key
  Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:38:57 -0800

  TEM observation of non-ionic solutions are widely accepted. However,
  when highly ionic solutions are the subject of observation, compound
  formation so alters the observation that the results are meaningless
  (in my  opinion).  I have explained why the  formation  of compounds
  during the sample preparation becomes significant.

  My explanations  and rational are clearly stated on my  web  site in
  the FAQ  and  Definition of Terms as they have  been  in  these list

  Clearly you reject this because of your vested interest in your TEM.

  I feel  that  further discussion on this subject is  beating  a dead
  horse. Let  the  readers who are interested weigh  the  evidence and
  decide for them selves.

  frank key
  In this  case, he is absolutely correct. The particles that  show up
  in TEM  images are created when the solution is dried.  They  do not
  exist in the original solution.

  > I've never  questioned  my common understanding  of  the oxidation
  > process involving silver, as I use ozone and activated oxygen with
  > silver all  of  the  time. I can  pretty  much  prove  by physical
  > evidence some very simple reactions.

  There is  nothing  you can do to the atmosphere  above  the solution
  that will affect the reactions in the Nernst Diffusion layer next to
  the electrodes.  They are under water and  completely  isolated, the
  same as  a  submarine  is  not affected  by  hurricanes  when  it is

  > That said,  I'll take a look your alternate viewpoint  when  I get
  > the chance...  I  always  question everything,  and  I  love being
  > proved wrong.

  I have no interest or value in proving anyone wrong. What I  seek is
  usable, workable  solutions  that can take me to  the  next  step in
  understanding what is going on in a process.

  > there's a  big  thrill   in   improving   the  accuracy  and depth
  > perception of knowledge.

  > However, I  don't see that the point is that relative  to anything
  > regarding a basic generator, anyway.

  In these things, every detail counts. A single error can  prove that
  a very elegant theory is completely wrong.

  So we must pay attention to every detail and prove it is correct.

  Otherwise we  start to get sloppy, like some members of  this forum,
  and can only pray that everything will come out right.

  Prayer does not work in quantum events.

  >>> The electrode configuration does affect the performance.  I hope
  >>> to clarify  this soon when I get the SilverCell web page  up and
  >>> running.

  > That might  be  one  of your  bigger  issues.  If  people purchase
  > standard silver electrodes from somewhere like, they
  > may not  be  able  to bend them  into  shape  successfully without
  > "tearing them up" with pliars or some such tool.

  No need.  The  silver  is   readily  available  from  suppliers like
  MonsterSlayer and many others.

  The only acids are nitric. We do not have enough in our body.

  >> Frank is  dead  wrong  in this.  Ions  kill  pathogens  in vitro.
  >> Particles do not.

  > As I  stated in an earlier email, work done  at  UCLA demonstrated
  > conclusively that only the electromagnetic information is required
  > to kill pathogens.

  This is  a  huge blunder. There  is  no  electromagnetic interaction
  between silver ions and pathogens.

  The only thing that can happen is pure chemistry. Ions join opposite
  ions, and repel similar ions. Basic high school chemistry.

  Electromagnetics has absolutely nothing to do with it.

  Bear in  mind,  I am an electronic engineer with  over  50  years of
  experience and 6 patents already awarded.

  So I  have some authority in stating you will  get  nowhere invoking
  electromagnetics in silver ion healing.

  > I noted  that  particles  in the  colloidal  spectrum  have unique
  > properties not shared by simple ion arrangements.  Metallic silver
  > can very easily survive the digestive tract. In fact, you  may not
  > be aware  fo  this,   but  some  colloidal-size  particles exhibit
  > enzyme-like activities in the body.

  There is  no  metallic silver produced  in  the  silver electrolysis

  Only silver  ions,  Ag+, hydroxide ions, OH-,  and  the combination,
  silver hydroxide, AgOH. And silver chloride, AgCl, in the stomach.

  But I  have  arranged  things so  the  SilverCell  process  does not
  produce any silver hydroxide, AgOH.

  And the cs never hits the stomach since you don't ingest it.

  > However, again, I don't see this as very important to the  work at
  > hand. I  wholeheartedly agree that Frank is very wrong in  some of
  > his suppositions.

  >> Internally,   something   completely   different   happens.  With
  >> sublingual absorption,  the amount of silver in the blood  is far
  >> to low  to  have any effect on pathogens. We need  to  study this
  >> further, since it definitely involves the human immune system

  > Even    small   concentrations   of   silver   ions   contain  the
  > electromagetic information   of   silver.   I'm   not  sure anyone
  > understands from   a   practical   level   how  oligodynamics work
  > biologically. As  far  as anyone really  knows,  the  effect could
  > simply be a catylst.

  It is  pretty  clear  the silver ions do  not  affect  the pathogens
  directly. However,  if you have ever seen any videos of  white blood
  cells attacking pathogens, they are extremely vigorous in searching.
  As soon  as they detect a pathogen, it is all over  in milliseconds.
  The attack is swift and deadly.

  My theory  is the silver ion may help the white blood cell  find the
  pathogen so  it can destroy it. Perhaps it is a bit  similar  to the
  effect carrots have on our night vision.

  > Nebulization is  my favorite method of administration,  although I
  > am aware  that there are some MD's out there who  rely  soley upon
  > sublingual adsorption.

  I must  alert  you   to   new   information   I  have  discovered on
  nebulization. I  found  a website where the  author  took  videos of
  nebulizing droplets  evaporating. When this happens, the  silver and
  hydroxide ions  are  forced  together  and  combine  to  form silver
  hydroxide, AgOH.

  The droplets  evaporate faster when they get smaller. The  effect is
  the lifetime is measured in milliseconds at the typical size used in
  cs nebulizing.

  This means  you  inhale  silver   hydoxide,  AgOH,  which  is inert,
  insoluble, and  probably an irritant to the lung tissue the  same as

  Over the  long  term,  this could cause  irreparable  damage  to the

  The reason  nebulizing seems to help is some of the  cs  is absorbed
  through sublingual  absorption as it saturates the  mucous membranes
  in the mouth.

  So the  real benefit of nebulizing is in the  sublingual absorption.

  The SilverCell  process  uses  this to  great  advantage  instead of
  ingesting the cs.

  >> High ionic is the only way to go. Unfortunately, most people here
  >> have no  way to see this for themselves since all the  current cs
  >> generators have  too  many  design   flaws  to  reach  the needed
  >> concentration.

  > Aside from  experience  with the differences  in  taste,  the salt
  > solution is an elegant solution.

  I'm not  really  sure  what you mean. The  salt  test  is completely
  different. You do not ingest or taste the solution - just observe it
  under vertical illumination to see the dispersion.

  >> But the solution has been under our fingers since the 3 nines was
  >> originally invented.  All it takes is a  slight  rearrangement of
  >> the design, and we can improve the ion concentration by  a factor
  >> of ten!

  > I would really like to see this in a closed system some  day, with
  > the ambient air variables removed. It would be fascinating.

  Again, it does not matter what you do above the surface. The ions in
  the Nernst Diffusion layer have no connection with the atmosphere.

  >> You will  truly be amazed when you see how simple  the SilverCell
  >> process is.  This   is   the   most  significant  breakthrough in
  >> colloidal silver generators since the original 3 nines, and  I am
  >> hopeful it will have beneficial effects for those  suffering from
  >> serious pathogens  that do not respond well  to  other treatment,
  >> such as Lyme disease.

  > I found  some basic specs on your generator from  your  website or
  > egroup (can't remember which when I did a search).

  > You should consider putting together a simple kit as well  as DIY
  > instructions.

  I have  already  started.  I   have  the  detailed  photos  from the
  prototype ready  to  publish,   and   have  just  recieved  the main
  components for the "production" version.

  > When you're  ready, I'm certain I can help with getting  your work
  > recognized.

  That would  be  very  nice of you,  Jason.  The  recognition  is not
  important. What  I  really need is a way to reach  the  young single
  moms with  kids to feed, and no money for silver wire or  complex cs

  I believe  one  way to reach them might be to start  a  club  at the
  University of  Waterloo,  and locate and  repair  old  used washers,
  dryers, and microwave ovens to give to single moms with kids  at the
  local women's shelters.

  Then, as we can fix the old washers and dryers and other appliances,
  and supply  them to these families who need them so  much,  we might
  also find  a way to give them small SilverCell generators  and teach
  them how to use them.

  Maybe I  can  find wealthy people at the  university  that  might be
  willing to buy silver wire and beakers to make the generators.

  Once we figure out how to get started, it should be easy to scale it
  to other cities and villages.

  And then grow it from there.

  >Kind Regards,


  Best Wishes,

  Mike Monett

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