Note if you do use Hydrogen Peroxide be sure its food grade. Due it breaking
down the store bought regular versions have toxic chemicals added to
stabilize it!


From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - MMS/hydrogen peroxide

I wonder if we could include hydrogen peroxide in this line of discussion.
I bought a book about it, and the H2O2.  I shared these with three people,
all of whom had trouble with vomiting and discontinued it.  That made me
feel really bad for them.  Because of the concern about vomiting/nausea, I
never tried either of these myself.  Does anyone have any comments about
hydrogen peroxide--on a similar vein to what has been discussed with MMS?  I
doubt that it is poisonous, because I understand that the body makes it for
defense against pathogens.  What do others think?
In a message dated 10/19/2011 1:40:23 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I would stay away from it too.  I do not know what all your health issues
are, but if 1 drop does that, then it's pretty poisonous for you.
My Dad had leukemia and was also diabetic and he could take one drop, though
2 made him FEEL nauseous.  He didn't throw up or have diarrhea, but he
didn't like the feeling of being nauseous, naturally.  He was a big guy
too--240 plus pounds, 6 foot 2 inches.  
I know Humble says that it's the die off, but if it affects you that bad
either you are extremely ill, or it's simply not for you.  I would think it
wasn't for you and would not push it.  There are other ways of using a more
dilute MMS, at only 5%, that can be very helpful around the house as a
cleaner and such, though, so that your bottle isn't wasted.
And--it makes a great descaler.   We have very hard water here and get
terrible lime build up on everything.  I mix up a big squirt of MMS and a
big squirt of white vinegar, let it sit about 10 minutes, and put that into
my dishwasher.  I run a cycle and boy, does that dishwasher come out
sparkling clean!  Lol  my  friend uses her MMS to descale her coffee pots.
-------Original Message-------
I was on one drop a day with the projectile vomiting, along with wonderful


It was too much for me and I won't take it again.  I tried 3 times and each
time was so ill.  It just isn't for me.



