There is an okay documentary called "What the heck are they spraying" and
supposedly people measured melted snow from the top of mount shasta and it
is has way over safe levels aluminum in it.  They also visit some places
were wildlife is sort of dying.  And they show changes in soil pHs.  I heard
someone also found mycoplasma from chemtrails.  There is also a retired high
ranking military whistle blower, I forget his name, he said in a you tube
video the name of a place where he knows some of them are taking off from.
And he said they are unmarked NATO planes.  Some say global warming
control.  Some say depopulation.  Who knows.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 9:06 PM, Mike Winslow-Hansen <>wrote:

> **
> i find it is interesting this is happening every day and no one really
> knows why, only theories...who is doing it and why? and why aren't the
> people being told?