I know about Flexner. May be this book is helpful for this.
Ausubel uses very many hints to literature.
Ausubel: "When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies" wenn die Heilung von Menschen zum Verbrechen erklärt wird.. die Geschichte von Harry Hoxsey, der mit Kräutern Krebs heilte.. mußte Klinik in USA schließen.. heilte dann in Mexiko.. positive Informationen über alternative Heilverfahren unterdrückt.. gezielte Desinformation.. wie die amerikanische Ärztekammer durch Medikamenten- und Tabakwerbung reich wurde.. beste Kritik..

Am 25.10.2011 00:00, schrieb Shirley Reed:
  Some time ago a lister, perhaps from this list, quoted JD as saying,( BEFORE he invested heavily in pharmaceuticals)  that electricity was the best healing modality for humankind.  Words to that effect.  This was before he sent Flexner to all the medical schools.  If anyone knows the reference for that, I will be thankful for it.  Need to verify that he actually made the statement.  Will help in getting all ducks in a row.  :)  Many thanks,   pj