Dear Dee, PT,

Others will chime in on this as well, but I'll be the first... <grin>

Since your meter only measures ions in the water, things that dissolve 
without becoming ions are not measured. Try adding some sugar to 
distilled water. Does the reading go up? (Be sure to thoroughly rinse  
the end of your meter afterwards.) Sugar dissolves, but the molecules 
stay in one piece, rather than breaking up into ions.

On the other hand, salt, sodium chloride, NaCl, breaks up into Na+ and 
Cl- ions, which your meter *will* detect. Silver ions, Ag+ are also 
detected, but neutral silver species, Ag(metal) and maybe certain 
oxides and other chemical forms, wont be.

The other concern is that even ionic forms of extremely potent toxins 
could be present in dangerous amounts that are below the detection 
range of your meter, as well. How much plasticizer is too much, eh? I 
don't know. Got plutonium oxide? Nasty stuff, and dangerously toxic in 
amounts way smaller than a fraction of a ppm, totally apart from it's 
radiological properties.

So, while none of this says that you *have* any contaminants in your 
water, your meter readings aren't conclusive evidence that you don't -- 
just that it's probably good enough, all other things being equal and 
with reasonable care being taken.

Dave's point about plasticizers is a reasonable one. Distilled water is 
really one of the toughest storage problems you'll commonly come 
across. You just have to decide for yourself if the plasticizer issue 
is important enough to you to justify the additional expense and 


Mike D.

> This is my experience also.   
> PT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 6:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>0.3uS Distilled water at Savemart
> I *put* my home-made distilled water into plastic bottles and the silver
> always reads '0' on the meter and I'm sure it wouldn't if it contained
> plastic toxins.  dee
> On 27 Oct 2011, at 03:58, D Glover wrote:
> > As long as it is sold in a glass bottle then it is safe....
>  Don't buy anything acidic in
> plastic full stop, and water must be in 12 minimum, especially
> distilled, as that will leach out plastic into the water really fast,
> and molecular chains of that stuff gets wound around and integrated into
> your cellular tissue. >  > Best regards, >  > Dave > 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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