"Tea tree oil is an effective antiseptic, but is even better when mixed
with silver. Researchers at England's University of Wolverhampton looked at
putting tea tree oils or silver nitrate into liposomes. These microscopic
spheres are made of phosolipids -- fats -- that occur naturally in cell
walls' membranes. The liposomes greatly increased antimicrobial activity.
Using liposomes allows controlled release, which lowers the concentrations
of the agents needed to treat infected wounds, and could minimize any side
effects. The discoveries were presented at the Society for General
Microbiology meeting in Harrogate, England, by researchers Wan Li Low and
colleagues. Both the tea tree oils and the silver -- in the form of silver
nitrate -- each effectively fight pathogens involved in skin infections in
laboratory tests. However, both became even more effective in lower
concentrations -- when combined."

"The strong bactericidal effect could be linked to the diffusion of silver
ions out of the AgNO 3 coating, leading to an important bactericidal
concentration close to the membrane of the bacteria. A simple method to
prepare antibacterial coatings loaded with a high and controlled amount of
AgNO 3 is therefore proposed."