I really would appreciate any info you can find for me re magnetic pulser use instead of taped on magnets. I cannot use I have not found one I do not react to. I did have magnet therapy from an anesthesiologist, but those didn't help much. They were small magnets though, tiny in fact, and I could not leave them on very long because i couldn't leave them taped on as long as I was suggested to do. I DO have a Sota Magnetic Pulser, and have found it helpful, but have not experienced the kind of pain relief you are talking about in this thread. It helps, but nothing that dramatic. Perhaps I am not using it to its full potential.
sol wrote:
I'm not sure exactly the difference. I did ask Peter once about a device that I THINK was a mag pulser, if I remember correctly. He told me that they were good, but that the constant use of a regular magnet was better. You can tape it on your body and wear it 24/7. But I could ask him again if you want more specifics. Samala, Renee /-------Original Message-------/ Where does a magnetic pulser fit into magnetic therapy? Or is magnetic
pulser therapy too different?

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